Time line is updated
This is a link to the updated timeline click the title and you will be redirected.
To your left we have Aaron phelps / Robert Wagner former Cobra model who recieved the pictures of Danny Moilan aka Harlow Cuadra "the person of interest" in this case also referred to as "Drake"
to your left we have we have Sean and Harlow on blacks Beach in San Diego where the Imfamous beach recordings took place.
Below we have Bryan Kocis in a Picture taken in Las Vegas just days before his murder .
And to your Left we have Sean Harlow and Grant At Le Cirque in Las Vegas at the Bellagio hotel.
Below we have Joe and Harlow taken in Virginia beach after their arrest. To your left we have Lee Bergeron who is the L in LSG Media.
This is a picture of Sean and Harlow on Blacks beach and Sean is wearing the suspect sun glasses. The ones it is said contained the listening device. The Bryan Kocis timeline has been updated with the currant info and I want ot thank several of my posters who helped with this through their emails and posts and links to stories pretaining to this case. you all know who you are and you are all apprieciated.
This is Elmysterio and Im out.