Velvet Mafia Reloaded
News flash
Harlow Cuadra and Joeseph Kerekes are going to fight extradition to Luzerne County Pennsylvania. They both plead not guilty to all charges against them. And the Federal Government seized all their assets. They were arraigned at 9:30 am in Virginia Beach Circut Court. They are being held with out bound. They go to court again on June 14th 2007 in Virginia Beach VA.
Stay tuned for futher updates on Julien's Gay rant page
Harlow Cuadra and Joeseph Kerekes are going to fight extradition to Luzerne County Pennsylvania. They both plead not guilty to all charges against them. And the Federal Government seized all their assets. They were arraigned at 9:30 am in Virginia Beach Circut Court. They are being held with out bound. They go to court again on June 14th 2007 in Virginia Beach VA.

Stay tuned for futher updates on Julien's Gay rant page
The world of gay porn is a place full of secrets, lies, scandals and murder. This case has it all in spades. With a cast of characters as bizarre as they come. Why would Joe and Harlow get involved in such a messy scandal? What did they have to gain? The fact that they were not precluded from working with Sean Lockhart aka Brent Corrigan makes no sense for them to do this. There was no stipulation in the settlement agreement between LSG Media and Cobra Video that said Sean Lockhart could not work with any other studios. As we all know he did the Velvet Mafia with Falcon Studios under the name Fox Ryder.

The whole police angle about a porn studio turf war is just not going to cut it and the whole contract issue, well it never stopped Sean Lockhart before. Now I have read the news and the evidence is to say the least damning. But I just don’t see them doing this for the reasons stated by the authorities. There simply has to be more to it than that. Not to slight Sean Lockhart aka Brent Corrigan but to me he ain’t worth killing someone over. Mind you he may still have some box office draw but he is always surrounded by scandal. It seems that everything he gets involved with turns to shit. Now mind you I’m not trying to be bitchy but I am just stating what I have observed. As you all know I have worked diligently to get the truth about the age matter between he and Cobra Video. I have also been accused of playing favorites when it came to my blog posts on various subjects involving all of the principals involved. But to tell you the truth I never saw this coming. I was just as shocked as the rest of you. What would posses two attractive successful porn entrepreneurs to get involved in such a salacious scandal. That my friends is the million-dollar question. From what has been reported it would appear that this all started in Vegas.

So I guess what happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas after all. At an expensive dinner at Le Cirque a plan was hatched to do away with Bryan Kocis or so the authorities say. We have a potentially damning e-mail sent out to the subscribers of Boybatter heralding the fact that they will be working with Brent Corrigan. During this time LSG media (Corrigan camp) are in secret negotiations with Cobra Video because of a prior contract issue and the use of a name as well as cyber squattingAll the while seeming to lead Boybatter on that they will work with them while simultaneously using this fact as a bargaining tool with their negotiations with Cobra. The settlement is finally signed on January 20th 2007 and is alluded to in a cryptic blog post on Brent’s blog.

Four days later Bryan is found murdered in his home after a suspicious fire. But the Corrigan Camp denies they are going to be working with Boybatter after the murder and they quickly lawyer up. We move forward 3 months almost to the day and we have Joe and Harlow visiting San Diego. And we have rumors about a possible video shoot and some pictures to prove it.

This is Elmysterio and I’m out.