Brent Corrigan is not dead
As reported earlier Porn model Brent Corrigan has not died but he is in near critical condition due to a massive financial mishap. Hopes were high for him and his Lover and other business partner Lee Bergeron. After he fled from the clutches of the nefarious Cobra Studios and started his own company,
His fan base was astounding and he wrote an engaging blog. But it was not meant to be. There were people who had negative intentions towards him and struck out to ruin him. When he was found he was cash less and clueless as to what happened. Witnesses said that there were several possible causes too his untimely demise. One was his age, which has never been publicly verified and it is said he was born in 1985 and others are adamant that he was born in 1986. No matter what you believe he was quite simply to young when he passed away from public view. While that was one several factors involved his early demise. Others attribute the cause to his early departure from Cobra video.
Because cobra wanted to suck the life out of him first and they continued grabbing at him for 2 years. There is the murder of his former video director Bryan Kocis which put Brent in a very negative light because of a public battle they had and many assumed that Brent was responsible for Bryan’s death. There is also the unsubstantiated rumor that he and his partner conspired to hire a hit man to dispose of Bryan. None of these rumors were ever proven but the strain was taking its toll on Brent. He went into hiding to try to deal with his feelings and his world turned upside down. He rallied back a few times but it was just too much and he just went away quietly. His video career had come to an almost complete stand still yet the demand was still high to see him. He had a brief resurgence in late 2006 but he was showing signs of financial weakness and had to be renamed due to it.
After a settlement between him and Cobra Video came about he was getting his health back. And his fans still wanted to see him in action. His latest come back plans were thwarted by one of his business partners who witnesses say sucked the last bit of life right out of him. Brent was the subject of much speculation when a blog item appeared that said he might do a scene with the fabulous Harlow stud wonderCuadra. It was to be a joint venture between BoyBatter and LSG Media. The public opinion was mixed but it favored the pairing of the two by 2 to one odds. The poll numbers were high but Lee Bergeron the other Partner was not going to let it happen. Brent was trying to make one last ditched effort to reap that last little bit of Life out but the odds were against him and it appeares he failed. After the mysterious failure he had nothing to do and just drifted away. We thought we lost him in April 20, 2007 but he rallied back ten days later but he was very weak and due to a massive financial hemorrhage was finally finished off. Grant Roy his lover is just beside himself after the sudden loss of Brent. The real question is who put the final nail in his coffin and took away the rising porn icon from his admiring public. Friends are asked to post their thoughts on one of the Porn Worlds most popular twinks. Rest in peace Super Twink Of The New Millenium.
This is not meant to be funny. It is meant to show the irony involved in this whole bloody mess. It is quite sad that if this were truly the case it seems allot of you would be happy. So go ahead and enjoy your victory. More than one life was destroyed the day that Bryan Kocis was murdered. How many more must be ruined before you are happy.
ReplyDeleteOh Elms if I was there, I'd buy you a stiff cocktail and we'd laugh about this whole mess (and I mean it) and we'd reference lines from old movies and all that jazz.
I think the fighting is truly getting ridiculous, but I always appreciated the chance to talk to others about this.
I will keep the topic alive on my blog for as long as it takes to get this stupid murder solved and to see something good come out of this.
well im just fed up is all.
ReplyDeleteElm, I see the frustration in your words. I have for the past few weeks. I do agree with you. The name Brent Corrigan is done. I said shortly after Bryan's murder that the name should be retired. There is just way too much drama attached to that name. Too many lies, half-truths and accusations. Too many people's lives have been forever altered, and not in a good way, by that stage name. Brent Corrigan never was a person. It was simply a stage name and a character in gay porn. Sean Lockhart is not Brent Corrigan, the same as Brent Corrigan is not Sean Lockhart. They are not one in the same and I think everyone, including Sean, needs to accept this and come to terms with it. It may not be fair and it may not be right but it's the way the dice fell and sometimes, as hard as it is and as much as you may not want to, you just have to to call it quits, admit you did all you could and accept that it just wasn't meant to be, and move on. If Sean wants to continue with porn, fine. That's his choice and his choice alone. But IMHO, whatever he chooses to do next, be it porn, a regular job, go back to school, continue blogging and working on his company, whatever he does, he needs to do it as himself and not as "Brent Corrigan."
ReplyDeleteI find it sad that Elm’s is so frustrated at all this mess. Some people are just not happy until they destroy someone’s life. I have been reading this blog since the beginning and never commented because I did not know what to say. But this post made me sad and upset and I just had to show my support. I can see that some of the posters are happy that it came to this. I for one am not I want to know who killed Bryan Kocis.
ReplyDeleteAnd it was looking like this was the only place where any good information was being disseminated. Elm’s I know you tried to get to the truth but there were so many obstacles in your way. It just looks like as you said so many times that people don’t care about the truth. They are more interested in the lies. A sad commentary on society isn’t it. If you feel this way and you were not even involved just think about how those who have been accused must feel. That is a really sad thought.
I would like to give my condolences to all of Brent Corrigan’s bitches. Flaym Thrower is deeply saddened by all of this. Now I must go into turbo bitch mode and destroy all the Deciples of Bryan. To quote one of my favorite bitches Ouiser Boudreaux: You are evil, and you must be destroyed.
ReplyDeleteSean Lockhart created Brent Corrigan and Brent Corrigan became Sean Lockhart. Prior to launching BrentCorriganOnline the only reference to Brent Corrigan by Cobra, was on the box covers of their videos. Which was only done in accordance to the law, more or less! One of the very few things Bryan Kocis he actually did that was in compliance with the law!
ReplyDeleteAny and everywhere Kocis referred to Brent either on the net or in print, he was simply; "Prince Brent", the "Cobra Prince", little or lil' Brent, Brent C, or Brent#2.
Brent Corrigan is not dead, not even close... There is far too much unfinished business yet to be done! I can relate to your disenchantment with this whole process Elm and understand your frustration more than you can imagine.
I can assure you all, you have not seen or heard the last of Brent Corrigan!
well you tell Brent to get on life support and come out swinging. Because we don't want him to die.
ReplyDeleteJulien, I've been following the wiki war, and must say you are really coming off like a horses ass over there in the comment's section.
ReplyDeleteGive it up. It's over. Brent is 20, you were wrong, just admit it.
It's not even the ID itself that prooves it. That, Brent's photo on it, all official looking...that's all gravy.
No, what nails your coffin shut is that serial number.
It's a real serial number. Go to the WDL site and it's verifiable.
And we know now the birthdate year is incorperated into the very same serial number by a simple subtraction code. The numbers "14" on the serial number correspond to the year 1986. 2000-14=1986. Proovable and factual.
Game set match. You lost.
You are getting you ass kicked in a revert war over there because Wiki rules are designed to ward off fringe lunatic theories like your Underage Denialist fantasy. Which has now been 100% prooven false.
It's difficult to source claims that are demostrably false, as you are finding out to your dismay! Heh heh heh... : D
OMG that headline made me sick to my stomach. I'm relieved you were talking about the character name and not the person.
ReplyDeletewell you can thank Lee Bergeron for that Headline. He's holding the hammer and he's putting the nails :-{ in the coffin
ReplyDeleteThis is really sad. I thought it was real. But I’m glad it’s not true. Brent I hope you can get things settled at you company. That Lee seems like a real jerk. Looks like another Gay Ski Week all over again. a Brent Fan
ReplyDeletewhat's the best way to say this? Oh yah, I figured it out:
ReplyDelete"Fuck off, Jim" :-)
No prosecution for kiddie porn, not even the beginnings of a case? No evidence.
Adobe Photoshop used on on image that is supposed to be an ID and then presented as truth? Wouldn't stand up in court.
A Hacking website and a 1.99/a term "University's" website that claims it has decoded the state alogortithm for calculating driver's license numbers as a "cited" source on an encyclopedia, when the state itself has no comment on the topic and has already contacted that university about providing false information on a publically availalbe terminal? Nah, not reliable.
I'm not getting my "ass kicked" over at wiki and your bs claim that it is happening tells me that you are probably one of the brent-worshippers out there who'd believe the sky was green just b/c brent said it. Therefore, your DQ'd on the basis of stupidity.
omg ....
ReplyDeletei see where ya going elms ....
but wooosh when i saw that headline ....
well there ya go ..and pole position too mr elms ... look i am sure brent is fine and will bounce right back ... well i hope so
rob in oz
Julien there is a problem with your observation. The license was photshoped to cover the address of his families home. But the real information is there. The number and his date of birth. Why do you think there was not prosecution? Do you think the evidence was not presented to the authorities? Well it was The (1st contact) of several correspondences took place between Sean and an FBI agent from the Scranton, PA office just after Sean’s made his declaration that he was 17 when filming the first 4 videos. Sean notified Bryan on August 16, 2005. Sean had several conversations with a field officer in the Scranton, PA office over the phone in San Diego between September and October 2005. At one point the FBI agent asked Sean to send a layout of the house and where all the stuff was kept, because they indicated they were about to organize a raid. Nothing happened. A letter was sent the to the Luzerne County DA’s office, never a word! Attorney John Yates sent another letter to the Luzerne County DA’s Office outlining the entire lawsuit and Bryan’s previous history. Yates was informed that Bryan had the conviction changed and since he was able to reduce it, it COULD NOT BE BROUGHT UP in a court deposition should one take place or during a trial. Sean went to the local San Diego (2nd contact) FBI field office and gave an interview. Sean had a stack of correspondence / paperwork relating and basically backing up all of his claims, the contracts that were signed under age, his license, his birth certificate, the fake license, everything! The agent said he said they didn’t need anything. They didn’t keep or make copies of anything! He said if the field agents who preside over this jurisdiction needed anything they’d contact Sean. He didn’t even write down Sean’s information! The agent said if they needed anything, they’d know how to find him??? Sean went to the local SD FBI office (3rd contact) to present the fact that Bryan was still hosting “child pornography”. This time He was met by two agents, this time they took notes! This time they kept a few of the copies that he had made for them with the URL’s and the date’s clearly showing that day’s date! Late February and early March, March 1, 2006 to be exact… after Sean had filed a complaint on the PA State Police website that deals with Megan Law requirements and registrations, Sean received a response back from Lieutenant Janet A. McNeal acknowledging his complaint, requesting that he resend the links detailing the arrest and subsequent guilty plea so they could look into it further. Sean complied with the request for which he received a response that if an oversight had taken place they would resolve the issue, but due to state laws and regulations, they could not report any further results related to that. Simply stating that if there was an oversight or an error it would be dealt with accordingly. Had Bryan not had his conviction changed he would have to appear in Federal Court and everything dealing with this case would be brought to light, Bryan would have been illegally operating a porn business, when by law and his conviction, he could not!
ReplyDeleteIt must be tough. To have built all this faith in theory, and staked so much of your reputation, argued and argued and typed out millions of pixels onto your screen...only to have it come all crashing down, brought low by a simple combination of numbers and letters!
Ah hah hahahahahah! Boy, you are in such a CLASSIC state of clinical denial now...oh, wow, I'd hate to be your therapist right now...giggle!
LOCKHSP141PU !!! hee hee heeee!
Say, Julien, tell you what, this might help you. A little project. You live in Oregon, right? Surely you have friends that live in Washington state, no?
And some of them drive, I take it?
Well! I'm SURE you now guess what I'm now about to propose...drum roll...
I challenge you to find ONE person whose WDL does not predict the year of birth precisely as per the location of those two digits. I double dog DARE you too!
Failure to take up this challenge will proove to all here that you are not only a fraud, but a coward.
WOW! Elm...why did you not bring this stuff up earlier?
ReplyDeleteThis is from the lawsuit depos right? OMG they are pure GOLD!
HA! So much for the "oh, the police WOULD have acted had be REALLY been underage, wa wa waaaaaa!"
And another Underage Denialist myth busted!
NOT that it was necessary, the whole myth has already been busted, by a few simple letters and numbers: LOCKHSP141PU!
hush jim, have another drinky poo.
ReplyDeleteelm, interesting story, but alas no back up.
Yeah Elm’s get the bitches The disciples of Bryan must be destroyed. Those bitches won’t know what hit them after they read that. The doubting bitches must be destroyed.
ReplyDeleteBB since you are on a first name basis with the FBI why don’t you call them and confirm it.
ReplyDeleteFlaym Thrower you really need to stop with the destruction talk if someone dies BB will blame you.
Jim, cite a reliable legal source that agrees with your theory and I'll retract my statement; I have said from the beginning that i am more than willing to change my opinion when presented with ACCURATE reliable, legal information that can be verified by a source--in this case, Washington state. I ALREADY CHECKED YOUR LOGIC and can tell you for certain that this formula DOES NOT WORK for every license from Washington that I have seen. Therefore, that alone is proof (to me) that this algorithm-cracking claim that you have all made is crap. Never mind the fact that none of you live even remotely close to the great state that I call my homestate. Yes, I was born in Washington.
ReplyDeleteI apologize for using profanity towards you but like Elms, this debate is getting on my nerves. Lies have been told, disinformation has been spread by Corrigan and his disciples; therefore I take all information from him that is NOT verifiable as potential bullshit. So, get over it. I also take information that Bryan Kocis spread later on, after all this shit happened, as vindictive crap. The images of Corrigan with cum on his face for a DVD cover? The images with Corrigan's puckered ass leaking slightly brown-tinged spooge?
It should be clear to you all that I'm not taking sides--they both had their moments but I will not believe in Corrigan-gospel.
Elms, glad you're NOW claiming you had this information but again--I'm sure I know where you got it and I'm sure that yet again; its not verifiable. :-(
"I ALREADY CHECKED YOUR LOGIC and can tell you for certain that this formula DOES NOT WORK for every license from Washington that I have seen."
ReplyDeleteThen proove it. Post such a license on you blog, and post a copy of the birth certificate of the person to which it belongs.
I'm not going to take your word at face value, you've spun too many lies in the past for anyone to trust you.
(LOL! Oh that was FUN typing that last sentence! Ahhhhh!)
Janet A. McNeal Promoted to Lieutenant by State Police
ReplyDeleteHARRISBURG (April 16, 2004) -- State Police Commissioner Jeffrey B. Miller today promoted Janet A. McNeal of Hellam Township, York County, to lieutenant and assigned her to the Megan’s Law Section of the Bureau of Records and Identification.
McNeal, 49, most recently served with the Staff Services Section at Troop H, Harrisburg.
The former Janet Adams grew up in Covington, Tioga County, and enlisted in the State Police in 1985. Following her training at the State Police Academy in Hershey, she was assigned to Troop G, Rockview.
As she progressed through the ranks, McNeal also served at stations in Dushore, Mansfield, Montoursville and York, with the Bureau of Professional Responsibility and the Bureau of Training and Education, and with the Department’s IIMS project.
She was promoted to corporal in 1993 and to sergeant in 1999.
McNeal is married to Pastor William L. McNeal, a native of Blossburg, Tioga County. They have a daughter, Christy M. Hicks; a son, Adam W. E. McNeal, and two grandsons.
McNeal is the daughter of Dorothy Adams of Covington and the late Rexford Adams.
if you don't believe Elm's call her up Bitches
ReplyDeletegag me, post a license and a birth certificate???? WTF kinda logic is that. did brent do it? didn't think so.
ReplyDeleteThe boot is firmly on the other foot now, Julien.
ReplyDeleteYou have been asked to supply proof. Can you, or can you not supply it?
If not, we all here must consider your "license number test inaccurate" claim to be bogus.
Why can’t you people not believe that the FBI would not drop the ball on a child pornography case?
ReplyDeleteAny body remember 9/11/2001 and the fabulous job the FBI did finding out about that terrorist operation?
You people need to get your heads out of the sand. This shit happens all the time. The government will only go after the simple cases. The ones with a guaranteed conviction look at the Justin Barry case out of over 1000 people who could have been indited I believe they have only tried 3. They even tried to convict Justin and he had to appear before congress. So why do you think they would even bother about Brent when he was still doing porn?
"WTF kinda logic is that. did brent do it? didn't think so. "
ReplyDeleteYes, ironic isn't it? The same sort of thing you've been claiming, "it would be sooooeasy for brent to do this!" well, all of a balk at this "easy" task.
Hypocrasy exposed!
Still Cobra will not sell it's kiddie porn on it's on site and niether will it show anyone the 'proof of age' it claims to have on file in those videos. In fact, Bryan NEVER produced a legal picture or video with Brent Corrigan in it. He never had the proof. He lied and said he had proof but he did not. Brent has finally made cobra a legal studio and shown positive proof to the world of his age. Cobra is guilty as charged. Bryan's demand for Brent's birth certificate is proof of Bryan's lies and Brent's honesty. Cobra's has the proof now and on it's own site says Brent is 20. No they will not sell EPD, SBC, CC4 and BBT. They were and are kiddie porn. Bryan's lies are now facts admitted by Cobra video.
ReplyDeleteThis is like talking to the nut jobs from the 'Flat Earth Society.' A waste of time.
ReplyDeleteyes, hypocrasy is by it's very nature ironic, is it not?
and juliens behavior and response here is about the most perfect textbook example of hypocrasy you can find.
Elm, dear, 10/31/86 is the birthday of Sean Lockhart, not Brent Corrigan. Please never shock me like that in the morning again!
ReplyDeleteBryn I shall correct the post sorry dear.
ReplyDeletethe word is "hypocrisy" (look it up). The argument you are making does not prove any hypocrisy on my part, you are trying to state that a hacking site and an online university's claim they have decoded washington state's algorithm is suddenly fact simply b/c a potentially fraudulent document posted on a personal blog seemingly backs up their claim. The onus therefore to prove that this claim is correct by providing a citeable source that shows Washington state confirming that this indeed is the correct algorithm.
ReplyDeleteAs I was about to do today, but am still considering, I can post a copy of a past ID of mine and chnage all the information on it (including the date). The number will be valid but the accompanying information will not; this is the type of logic that the corrigan license image posits.
not sure why you aren't getting it..but then again, i suppose this is to be expected, right BB? :)
btw, cobra will not provide the 2257 information to respect the privacy of his models, not to hide information. My god, check otehr porn sites like bedfellow and'll see that they hold the 2257 information but it is only available by subpoena, as the information is private and sensitive and could cause danger for those involved. DUH
ReplyDeleteJulien why do you have such a problem believing that Sean Lockhart is in fact 20 years old? why dont we compimise here Brent Corrigan is 21 years old because Bryan Kocis paid money for him to be 21 years old. You said your self that Brent corrigan and Sean Lockhart were not the same person.
ReplyDeleteJulien said...
Brent Corrigan will cease to exist when he drops the name LOL
May 7, 2007 5:22 PM
So Brent Corrigan is 21 and there fore Sean can be 20 how is that for a comprimise. Now get over the age issue. It is not an issue has not been and issue for weeks. I highly doubt that many people care about it anyway. If in fact he was leagal age when the first 4 movies were made they would surely be back on the market. But alas they are not I really wonder why that is. the excuse of Bryan being dead will not fly this time because as I see it the estate would make a whole lot of quick cash if those highly coveted movies were on the market.but again alas they are not now are they.
Niether will they sell their kiddie porn or state that Brent is 21. DUH.
ReplyDeleteCorrection, the age issue isn't an issue for you and your friends because it, yet again, paints Brent as a saint and Kocis as an ass that deserved to die. I'm neutral, I told you. I just am pointing out that you all want to believe this hypothesis but have failed to prove it but for some reason, you think you have. :-(
ReplyDeleteWho said Kocis deserved to die, especially b/c of the age issue. And btw, you failed to prove the age of Sean Lockhart too.
ReplyDeleteJulien where have I ever said that Bryan deserved to die because he made child pornography?
ReplyDeleteI have said that he should have had to register for Megan’s Law and that he blatantly lied to the legal system when he had sex with that 15 year old boy who he met on the internet and transported to his home and video taped it. And he lied again when he filed for the Pennsylvania copy-write on the name Brent Corrigan. He lied when he said that he did not know that Sean Lockhart was not under age when he paid for his fake ID. He lied to all the Cobra Video customers who purchased the first 4 videos that Brent Corrigan was in by making statements that he had valid 2257 documentation on files for the models. He lied when he said that never made threats against Sean Lockhart. He lied when he set up that bogus case in Pennsylvania to get Sean to go back there for a “Deposition”. But I have never said that Bryan Kocis should have been murdered because of all the atrocities he committed.
Some of the "lies" you are quoting are still not proven by a third-party verifiable source. At this point, that is all i'm interested in, not your opinion, not his opinion and certainly not anyone else's opinion. Kocis probably did commit most of the lies you stated and you are certainly entitled to that opinion and i certainly share some of it.
ReplyDelete1) corrigan lied to kocis to get his job with cobra
2) corrigan lied to his fans on his pay website when he claimed he was taking donations to challenge kocis' lawsuit and then never paid his lawyers
3) corrigan is lying about the content on his site, and still allows people to sign up for it; even though there have been NO content updates for eons
4) corrigan is lying about the driver's license on his site..claiming it to be true even though photoshop was clearly used on it (for what purpose is still completely irrelevant)
should i go on?
I don't want to believe anything about his age or his status as a performer; i no longer care. I just am sickened by the fact that people I held in such high regard ...regarding this issue are slowly losing their neutral point of view and falling in line with the masses
Oh and by the way I have never said that Brent Corrigan was an angel. He was a misguided kid who used what he had to put a roof over his head and food on the table but I have never said that he was an angel. Yes he did lie about his age but you know what so did Bryan. Yes he did break a contract But he was being sexual harrased by his so called employer. But I guess the only right thing to do was to stay there and submit to the sexual agrressions of Bryan and the endless threats and the fear of not being paid for the work you did. Hey Julien whould you have stayed?
ReplyDeleteYeah, you see, thats the game Julien and the other UD's here have been playing this whole time.
ReplyDelete"We want proof!" they would exclaim.
And then, when evidence is is NEVER good enough. They say, "well it a hacking site" or "well, the college does not charge enough tuition to satisfy my sense of academic snobbery" or some such...they find SOME spitwad of argumentation, no matter how ridiculous, then say "naw, still not prooven"..and hence this debate has just been going around in circles.
But watching this Wiki thing has made me realize...have WE ever asked the UDs for any proof for their claim?
Foolishly, no, we haven't.
Well that ends now.
Julien, where's YOUR proof? Where is your POSITIVE evidence Brent was 18 when EPD was filmed?
As the amusing Wiki war is demostrating...YOU HAVE NONE! YOU GOT BUPKISS!
So, when you say "the onus..." NO! Stop RIGHT there! The ONUS is now on YOU!
The spitwad strategy is over, Julien. Homey don't play that game no more!
So, where's YOUR proof Brent was overage? Like Shmucky the Cat, I'll ask it here 57 times in a row if I have to...where is YOUR proof??? Hmmmm????
ridiculous. I won't address this question anymore b/c the "UD's" haven't done the same, and they've been asked "first." If you want to get technical.
ReplyDeleteA photoshopped ID on a personal blog is NOT proof. By the way, I have posted a copy of a prior ID of mine. The birthdate is fake but the ID number is real. using the same logic, you'd now have to believe me if I said the birthdate was real :-)
the only proof that is acceptable is proof coming from a neutral disinterested third party, such a a court of law where facts are ascertained.
Elms, i would never have gotten myself in that situation to begin with. I was always smart enough, even at "16" or whatever the age I claimed to be back then not to get involved with trolls who wanted more than just my talents onscreen. There are countless other studios out there that wouldn't' have put a person through that type of drama---if such drama truly ever existed. And I'm sorry that it happened to him (if it did) and I'm sorry that America isn't fair and taht people with more money than you can usually win a lawsuit even when they are stupidly happens..its's not fair. I agree with your post..this topic needs to die..we need to focus on the murder itself and not the stupid trivia surrounding it.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the real irony of all this? Bryan used the money he made exploiting Brent in his bid to destroy him. It just proves what a sick fuck he really was. It is still not a reason to kill him but more a reason to have pity on him. He was a sad lonely man who preyed on boy’s and young men. If he was alive today there is no doubt in my mind he would be going to prison.
ReplyDeleteIt'll have to be a WDL or the whole exercise will be pointless, you know.
ReplyDeleteJulien this is what is so sad it really did happen to him. And no one believed him. Not the FBI not the police not you and not allot of other people. I truly don’t doubt it would not have happened to you. You were not abandoned by your mother and you had a family and a support group to fall back on. I know I did. If half of what happened to Brent happened to me I know Bryan would be in prison. But because Brent did not have his family for support he was at the mercy of Bryan. That’s what these guy’s look for, boys who have no safety net to fall back on. Brent was lucky to have Grant otherwise who knows where he would be today. I have no doubt that he would be the victim of a mysterious tragic accident somewhere. But he was lucky enough to get away but Bryan was not going to give up that easy. He did everything in his power to try and destroy Brent Corrigan. And he might succeed even after death.
ReplyDeleteWhat was his purpose in doing all of this what did he have to gain from making Brent’s life miserable? I just find it disturbing that Bryan would go as far as he did to make the life of a single person so miserable. Brent is not innocent by any stretch of the imagination he did lie to Bryan about his age. But Bryan is just as responsible in that lie as Brent. If he did what he was supposed to do in terms of verifying Brents ID half of this mess would not have happened.mistake#1 But Bryan had to take it a step further and purchase a fake ID for Brent. Mistake#2 Bryan files a fake civil case in Pennsylvania in order to get Brent to come back to the state after he makes threats to him. Mistake#3 and it just got worse.
Thank you Elm.
ReplyDeleteElms, the problem is that the more tis story keeps getting spun, and the more you vehemently deny that you are in the "sean-camp", the more your credibility as a neutral third-party comes into jeopardy. Also, the more "poor Brent / anti-Bryan" stuff that gets posted, the more it either creates a sympathy for justification of murder and the more it makes it seem like Brent was involved--whether or not this is truly the case. :-(
ReplyDeletedo you really believe that everyone has to go to pity mode because of your fictional worst case scenario?
how do you know that bryan bought a fake id for sean?
what should he do as sean claimed to be underage and refused to provide a proof other than try to get one.
with the contract in his hands he could stop sean from doing porn for a while. not more. he could not even force him to do porn for cobra nor anything more. sean was free to do anything he wants except adult work. but he choose to do this and even more to destroy cobra. in such a situation it was clear that bryan was fighting back. as is said before, not even sean claimed he was forced to sign the contract. he did so because he wanted that car.
i m actually afraid that somebody who believed all the spin from sean tried to help sean by killing bryan and feels he did the right thing.
I am not trying to make it look like Bryan’s murder was justified, far from it I am trying to show that if he did what it is said that he did to Brent Corrigan why could he have not done the same to someone else. The police are looking at the wrong people for this. They need to broaden their search. The whole case that the police have is based on what happens on this blog everyday, a bitch fight between a bunch of on-line queens. Who think they know the truth? That is what I am trying to get across as my point. Sean’s age is not important. We all know he lied about it and that’s a fact. Plus he even admits it. We all know he bailed on his contract with Cobra he admits that. We all know that he started his own company after he bailed on Cobra and used the name that Cobra disputed him and said was theirs. All of this is know and it is listed in the court documents. But what is not known is what is interesting. And that is where all the trouble stems from. There are allot of people who base their theories on an online argument involving people with assumed aliases. People can assume all they want on who these people are and what they said but did they really mean it? To me that is just silly. What is worse is the police and the Fed.’s believe that shit. But they don’t believe it when an 18-year-old kid came to them several times and tells them that he was sexually abused by Bryan Kocis. They just ignore his claims and change Bryan’s prior conviction from a guilty plea of sexual abuse of children to lesser charge of corruption of minors. They did this when they have video evidence that shows Bryan committing the crime. But they think that an online fight is evidence. They also take the words of a bitter ex friend, a known gossip who is repeating something on a blog, that he say’s he heard someone say at a party, who claims that the wanted to hire a “cleaner” to kill Bryan Kocis. Yet he gets on that same blog and lies about the HIV status of another model. Who it is well known what their status really is. The authorities raid the home of Harlow Cuadra who they think is a “person of interest” yet the have never questioned them. All this is based on hearsay evidence that they either got off blogs or were told by the few people they actually spoke to. There is no case because they looked at the obvious which was the wrong direction. I really don’t think at this point in time they will ever solve this case because the police lied to the press and they did not release correct information. We tried to help them but they gave us bullshit leads that just lead them in a big circle. Where did it lead? Right back to Bryan. Now they have to rethink this whole thing because all the supposed suspects really don’t have anything to do with this. And that is obvious. But the case is getting cold and the better hurry up before people start to forget things.
ReplyDeleteAb there is a serious problem with your logic
ReplyDeleteab said...
do you really believe that everyone has to go to pity mode because of your fictional worst case scenario?
apparently you have a vested interest in Cobra video. Whether you are a distributor or an owner or a friend of Bryan’s. your animosity towards Brent is very telling. you seem to feel as if he did something personal to you. We get it you don’t like him that is all fine And good
how do you know that bryan bought a fake id for sean?
I have my sources and I not going to tell you who they are.
what should he do as sean claimed to be underage and refused to provide a proof other than try to get one.
Well that would be illegal and it would automatically get Bryan a prison term. And it would still be under age porn. The Id is not what matters here it is the true and actual age of the model. So in other words if Bryan did not have validID for the model than he should have never filmed them in the first place.
with the contract in his hands he could stop sean from doing porn for a while. not more. he could not even force him to do porn for cobra nor anything more. sean was free to do anything he wants except adult work. but he choose to do this and even more to destroy cobra. in such a situation it was clear that bryan was fighting back. as is said before, not even sean claimed he was forced to sign the contract. he did so because he wanted that car.
Sean wanted the car well that could be why he signed the contract or the car could have been a bribe by Bryan for Brent to keep his mouth shut about his true age. You nor I know what the car was for, was it payment for the scenes he had done or was it a “signing bonus”. What ever it was Bryan signed it over to Sean and I don’t think Sean strong armed him into doing so. So if this is based on the car it could go any number of ways as to why Bryan gave him the car. As far as Sean wanting to destroy Bryan I think they both wanted to destroy each other. Bryan had done things to Brent and made threats and Brent went the legal route but there was no help for him there. The FED.’s did not pay him any attention. And that is where it stood until the settlement.
Whether you are a distributor or an owner or a friend of Bryan’s. your animosity towards Brent is very telling. you seem to feel as if he did something personal to you.
ReplyDeleteAs I am chatting sometimes with ab I can say that there is - as far as I know - no personal involvement with cobra nor did Sean something personal to ab. He is just very careful with what to believe and what not.
We agree in a lot of things and we disagree in a lot of things, but we have always good discussions. He is not a "hater", just a "doubter".
To bryn and Ab I am not trying to throw a pity party for Sean I am trying to show that what happened to Sean could have happened to someone else. What was the motivation for the attack by Bryan against Brent? It was more than a car and it was more than a broken contract. Do you see where I am heading with this? There was something that was not told. Something that Bryan wanted to keep hidden. And if the FED’s believed Brent, we would not be sitting here typing messages to each other right now because Bryan would most likely be in prison now or at least on his way. But they did not believe Brent and they just choose to do nothing. That’s what I am trying to get across to people is that Bryan most likely had other enemies who might have wanted him dead. I am by no means advocating murder but I am trying to show the possibility that there are other people who might have wanted him dead.
ReplyDeleteElm, you have previously stated that Sean would not provide certified proof of his age due to some sense of loyalty to protect Bryan from prosecution.
ReplyDeleteNow you detail the protracted efforts of Sean to get the FBI and other authorities involved.
So were you lying then or now ?
Yes, elm, I can see were you're heading with your posts. You know I love your posts and you being open minded to all possibilities.
ReplyDeleteI was mistaken before. I have since been corrected. To tell the truth I always wondered why he did not give the info to the authorities. And I was under the asumption that if he did do that Bryan would be in prison as were allot of other people. well I have since been informed that I was wrong and that the Fed's did not want anything to do with the case. And that is why I thought he did not want to get Bryan in trouble.
ReplyDeletethanks bryn :-)
i don´know any of the persons involved or ever mentioned here. i m not involved in porn business and as far as i know i never met one who was/is.
i discuss along the facts, the public available documents and statements which are not taken in doubt from any of the parties involved. i ignore hearsay, speculations and of logic interpretations.
"ab: how do you know that bryan bought a fake id for sean?
elm: I have my sources and I not going to tell you who they are."
tell me why i should believe such a statement?
"ab: what should he do as sean claimed to be underage and refused to provide a proof other than try to get one.
elm: Well that would be illegal and it would automatically get Bryan a prison term. And it would still be under age porn. The Id is not what matters here it is the true and actual age of the model. So in other words if Bryan did not have validID for the model than he should have never filmed them in the first place."
i lost you here already. what exactly is illegal? bryan got a faked id from sean. how should he know that is was indeed a fake until he get real documents. sean said at one time this than something else. why believe him his fake statement without any proof in a situation where he breaches a contract, started his own company and ties to destroy cobra.
you are right that bryan should have legal documents in the first place. but sean and chris said they faked these id´s.
because we have some porn produces here: how do they verify that they have legal documents from their models.
there was a contract, it exactly theys what the car was for. it was signed by sean. to speculate about bribes and whatever has no basis.
why the fbi did not pay attention is really beyond my understanding. even when they did not want to start a suit i would have expected a revision of the cobra documents. we don´t know whether they ever did that.
ReplyDelete"What was the motivation for the attack by Bryan against Brent? It was more than a car and it was more than a broken contract."
of course i see that. but in bryans situation i would ask for a proof of the real birth date. without that sean could have claimed whatever he wanted. to fight for the return of a used jetta i would not invest money in a law suit.
So you were mistaken before. Well we all make mistakes but not everyone has the grace to admit to it. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteIf Sean received no response from all these officials then why didn't he just contact his congressman?
I would have thought any politician would leap at the opportunity to expose an underage gay porn merchant. Bryan was an easy target after all.
Politician are a lot more careful in ensuring they follow up such things.
[Ab - I presume you are suggesting that the authorities would REVIEW the Cobra documents rather than REVISE them]
First I want to apologize it’s really late here 5:15am and I have not been to sleep yet. So I’m just a little irritable. And I’m sorry if I came off mean on my last post it has just been a rough couple of days for me.
ReplyDeleteab said...
thanks bryn :-)
i don´know any of the persons involved or ever mentioned here. i m not involved in porn business and as far as i know i never met one who was/is.
i discuss along the facts, the public available documents and statements which are not taken in doubt from any of the parties involved. i ignore hearsay, speculations and of logic interpretations.
"ab: how do you know that bryan bought a fake id for sean?
elm: I have my sources and I not going to tell you who they are."
ab:tell me why i should believe such a statement?
elm: Some one told me about it and I promised them I would not tell that they told me. It is one of those situations that I can not reveal my source for the information.
"ab: what should he do as sean claimed to be underage and refused to provide a proof other than try to get one.
elm: Well that would be illegal and it would automatically get Bryan a prison term. And it would still be under age porn. The Id is not what matters here it is the true and actual age of the model. So in other words if Bryan did not have valid ID for the model than he should have never filmed them in the first place."
Ab:i lost you here already. what exactly is illegal? bryan got a faked id from sean. how should he know that is was indeed a fake until he get real documents. sean said at one time this than something else. why believe him his fake statement without any proof in a situation where he breaches a contract, started his own company and ties to destroy cobra.
you are right that bryan should have legal documents in the first place. but sean and chris said they faked these id´s.
In America you have to be 18 years old to do a pornographic movie. The producer or the director of the video must have valid Identification of the models. They must inspect it and in some instances verify it with the authorities. (The DMV and such). From what I understand is that Bryan never inspected the real documents he just had a faxed copy on file. Which is against regulations because he never inspected the actual documents. This was a problem because Sean was under age. He was 17. So Bryan paid for a fake Id that said Sean was of legal age. That is also against the law to have fake documentation on file. Because of the fake documents Bryan was scared that Sean might tell someone about it so he threatened Sean. Sean got scared and he left Cobra and told the authorities. (the FBI) this upset bryan evcen more.
ab:because we have some porn produces here: how do they verify that they have legal documents from their models.
Elm:I’m not sure about the European Laws but I would assume the same way the do here.
ab: there was a contract, it exactly theys what the car was for. it was signed by sean. to speculate about bribes and whatever has no basis.
elm: as I said earlier the car was supposed to be a signing bonus for him to sign a second contract.
But I’m not really sure if that was all it was.
ab: why the fbi did not pay attention is really beyond my understanding. even when they did not want to start a suit i would have expected a revision of the cobra documents. we don´t know whether they ever did that.
elm: your guess is as good as mine on that one who knows why the government does a lot of the things that they do.
May 8, 2007 4:45 AM
anon, yeah of course, REVIEW. sorry but my english is not that good.
ReplyDeleteab said...
"What was the motivation for the attack by Bryan against Brent? It was more than a car and it was more than a broken contract."
Bryan was angry at Brent for breaking his contract and leaving him open to a possible prison term for making child pornography and reporting him to the FBI.
of course i see that. but in bryans situation i would ask for a proof of the real birth date. without that sean could have claimed whatever he wanted. to fight for the return of a used jetta i would not invest money in a law suit.
The car was not the issue at all it was just listed in the court documents. The lawsuit was to get Seans birth certificate and to stop Sean from working for anyone else. Once Bryan had Sean’s birth certificate he could release the movies Sean made for Cobra Video. Also it was to stop Bryan from possibly going to prison for making child porn.
May 8, 2007 5:03 AM
I understand I hope it makes sense now.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... May 8, 2007 5:11 AM
ReplyDeleteI really have no Idea if they did not do that. Maybe they just gave up who knows that you would have to ask Sean and Grant. It is a possibility that they did.
If the "he wanted to protect Bryan" excuse no longer stands then Sean had no reason to withhold proving his true age.
ReplyDeleteBryan receiving the ID after the films had been produced could not have made him USC2257 compliant.
To me that Sean did contact the authorities and that they did nothing together with eliminating a prime reason for Sean not providing his ID just makes it more likely that Sean was 18+.
A driving license's credibility is only as good as the credibility of the birth certificate used to obtain it.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteIf the "he wanted to protect Bryan" excuse no longer stands then Sean had no reason to withhold proving his true age.
Bryan receiving the ID after the films had been produced could not have made him USC2257 compliant.
To me that Sean did contact the authorities and that they did nothing together with eliminating a prime reason for Sean not providing his ID just makes it more likely that Sean was 18+.
A driving license's credibility is only as good as the credibility of the birth certificate used to obtain it.
May 8, 2007 6:09 AM
Well you are correct about not being 2257 compliant after the fact because that is how Bryan got busted in the first place back in 2001. But because he was supposed to of had valid ID when he filmed the scenes with Sean the birth certificate might have made him 2257 compliant. I am really not so sure about that.
The authorities were not going to touch this case because Sean was still doing porn. That was the main reason. If Sean stepped out of the business and they tried the case and won then he could have gone back in the business. But he did not. The case could have possibly taken years to try and you are only a twink so long.
As for you theory on the drivers license there is one problem with your theory. You parents have to go with you to get your permit and the motor vehicle department requires a certified copy of you birth certificate and your parents have to sign the permit as well. So if as you say Sean is really 21 then his parents would have had to lie and say he was 16 when he really was 17 and he would have graduated high school at 19 years old. This would also seem that his parents were involved in the whole underage porn thing which I find highly suspect. Do you follow the logic? What it really comes down to is that the FBI did not really give a shit about a boy who did under age porn and who was still in the business. Even though Bryan had a prior offense that the charge was reduced on it they just apparently did not care.
some general remarks:
ReplyDeleteelm and others provide us a great place to discuss. i want to thank you for doing this. it is a lot of work and does not always make fun.
i like to chat here. i m somehow sucked in that story and i want to understand as much as possible whats going on. furthermore we all learn a lot about porn and the structures behind that. we have all our own opinions based on whatsoever. all of us want to get as close to the truth as possible. with the discussion here we can exchange information and interpretations. we all fail to be objective, we all have prejudices but we all should try define some common ground at first and declare were we differ rather than to oppose to everything somebody said. name calling and allegations of bad motives of the people here does not lead us any further.
there is no black and white. nobody is all good and all bad. the story we deal with is twisted that much nobody would have ever assumed before. we gay people should have an common interest that the laws should be enforced the same way for straights and gays. this apply for everything including porn.
we are only a few people who actually contribute here. we should treat each other with good manners. whatever we write her it never determines the truth nor does it solve the murder. so we should not simply fight for something described by the german word: meinungshoheit (the last word on opinions expressed).
ab you are very welcome to the discussion and I'm glad your here. I know there have been times when I was not so nice and as I said before I truly do apologize for my rudeness. What really amazes me is that there are people here from all over the world. So you are all welcome to come on out and say hey just to let the world know that you are there. So this is Elmysterio and I'm in the united states and I am saying Hello world and thanks for stopping you all.
ReplyDelete"A driving license's credibility is only as good as the credibility of the birth certificate used to obtain it."
ReplyDeleteThe issuance date on the license is 7-12-03.
He did not shoot his first video until 2004. In fact, on 7-12-03, he was blissfully unaware of the existance of either Bryan Kocis or Cobra Video.
So explain how Brent had the amazing foresight to get a fake ID saying he was born 1986, rather than '85???
Don't teenagers typically get fake IDs showing themselves OLDER, not younger? Your theory has young Sean at 17, using a fake BC to say he is 16.
For your "A driving license's credibility is only as good as the credibility of the birth certificate used to obtain it. " statement to not look foolish, you now have to explain your way out this issuance date problem. Ie, one full year before he EVER became aware of the existence of Cobra Video on this planet.
Good luck! : )
And just to help you out, here are the three leading theories UDs have relied on in the past here, to deal with this thorny question:
1) Brent got a hold of a time machine after filming EPD, and traveled back in time to 7-12-04;
2) A powerful gypsie fortune teller advised Brent on 7-11-04, peering into her crystal ball, intoning: "you vill neeeed a fake id saying you var a yeer yoooonger somedaaay...geet one imeeeediately!"
3) The Washington State DMV is as corrupt as Luzerne Cty, and IDs saying anything you want on them can be bought by greasing the wheels with a few pesos.
Oh, but don't let this limit you...if there's a fourth theory...lets hear it! Let your imagination SOAR!
70 Comments! Too many for me to read this time on a work day! But I will say I agree with the basic premise of your post. Poor Mr Corrigan... I still hold out hope he comes out the other side, because that boy is the best porn model around!
ReplyDeleteTo move things on.
ReplyDeleteBrent could have shown his ID to his fans and the public on day one of the dispute.
Was it a good idea for Brent to wait till now to show his ID?
Why did he release it without a fanfare?
How has the notoriety generated by the delay helped his business ?
yes lets face it - the case is all about .... the timing ... and yes lets look back at the timeline .. and yeah - ya gotta wonder .... ... but if we didn't speculate ... we would have no elmysterio blog to do it on ... and with the rapid reponses here one would have to think that this is the place to ... keep the case alive ...
ReplyDeletegood onya elms - and the world says we love ya back
rob in oz
Anon 1:13 Bryan never had ANY valid ID on Brent. That includes while he was selling the of-age porn. He was never in compliance with 2257 as regards Brent. If you believe the MOU reflects the final settlement than you could conclude that Brent gave Cobra the written permission it needed to get his Birth certificate from Iowa. One could conlude this happened because Cobra released its hold on Brent's billing company. That done, the public release of his Washington drivers license is really a non event. I would not be surprised if part of Brent's reason for releasing it was to watch the deniers go into deeper denial, but I don't know that.
ReplyDelete"I would not be surprised if part of Brent's reason for releasing it was to watch the deniers go into deeper denial, but I don't know that. "
ReplyDeleteLOL! It worked! That sneaky Brent!
Albert, ignoring Cobra and Bryan in all of this Brent clearly made a decision to withhold his ID and then release it. So repeating the two questions you did not answer:-
ReplyDeleteWas it a good idea for Brent to wait till now to show his ID?
How has the notoriety generated by the delay helped his business ?
Oh, and Jim you didn't answer any of the questions.
sean started the drama with providing faked documents the first place. he later used that to breach a contract and to destroy cobra and get his own company running.
ReplyDeletebecause he didnt accept sean´s claim being underage in august 2005, we can assume bryan believed he had valid documents. at that time sean refused to prove it otherwise. just some legal actions from sean caused the distributors to take down the 4 videos.
grant later complained heavily about the fact that bryan did not act immeadiately but wanted a proof and started to fight back.
with publishing the washington id sean agreed for the firt time he had at least to try to prove statements he made rather just telling something.
Well first. I think that was a VERY clever and funny blog post. Second, I read only about 10 posts before it all gets back to the same old crap posted by the same old people! I was hoping for some nice wit and banter, but NO, it's the same cycle of people sayin the same crap. I wish people could take El's ball of irony and spin some clever rhetort and banter.
ReplyDeleteI would very much like to see Sean split off and start a new venture with his new name and just drop Brent Corrigan. Suppose he'd need a backer though but that's the way forward.
"Oh, and Jim you didn't answer any of the questions. "
ReplyDeleteOh were those for me?
You know, I read them and I thought to myself "Damn! These are good questions!" : )
And like all good questions, the answers are difficult. The best I can really say to all three is that I really don't know (at this time).
Perhaps if I mull them for a bit...
Believe nothing, try to get more than one source for everything...been my approach from the get-go. Cynical eh?
ReplyDeleteBrent gave Cobra the written permission it needed to get his Birth certificate from Iowa.
ReplyDeleteSean/Brent was supposedly born in Idaho.
I'm reminded of a story about a Boston lady who used to invite Harvard freshman to her home to introduce them to eligible Boston damsels.
She asked one young man where he was from and he replied, "Iowa, m'am.
She thought about that for a bit and then said, "I believe that here in Boston we pronounce that 'Ohio'".
LOL, someone with a clue. I can now rest for the evening. Thanks love.
ReplyDeleteThe top four suspects in order are Grant, Dewayne, Harlow and Lee.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking Duke Romney, Dickie, Macias and of course George Bush.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThe top four suspects in order are Grant, Dewayne, Harlow and Lee.
Damon is that you? I feel SO special! Before anyone heard of Drake/Harlow an Anon on Jan 28(Jasons) said Dewayne was prime suspect. I was Grants henchman LOL. Jim you have been a suspect too! I even mentioned that first week Bret or BB could have done it and then shifted the blame.
I will tell you folks one thing, and of this we can be Certain. The Killer of Bryan Kocis has been here and at Jasons. He prob has not made a comment, except he might have as an Anon. In 3 months I have read some eerie middle of the night comments. I remember one at Jasons which could very well have been someone looking to Justify BK's murder.
My personal candidate for killer of Bryan Kocis,,,,,,Damon Kreutzer, He is the one who said back in early February that Bryan had left him Cobra Video in his will. Damon has since taken that off his website! SUSPICIOUS!!!! Hmm if I remember the theory it was Mathew Rush who did the deed,,Matt is Damons Stud Toy,,in his fevered delusional state LOL
To anonymous @May 8, 2007 1:13 PM
ReplyDeleteTo move things on.
Brent could have shown his ID to his fans and the public on day one of the dispute.
There is only one problem with your statement and it is as you can see here; that some are still not happy with what was presented. Some will never believe that Sean was underage when he did those first four videos for Cobra. To them there is not ever going to be enough proof to verify Sean’s real age.
Was it a good idea for Brent to wait till now to show his ID?
He could have shown it when this all came to the publics attention and there would still be the same reaction as listed above.
Why did he release it without a fanfare?
That is something you will need to ask Sean, only he will know the answer to that question.
How has the notoriety generated by the delay helped his business ?
I really don’t think it has helped his business. The business is suffering from internal problems and I am not really sure his ID release helped it or not.
rob in oz May 8, 2007 1:26 PM
Hey Rob the world loves you too.
Albert said... May 8, 2007 1:54 PM
Anon 1:13 Bryan never had ANY valid ID on Brent. That includes while he was selling the of-age porn. He was never in compliance with 2257 as regards Brent. If you believe the MOU reflects the final settlement than you could conclude that Brent gave Cobra the written permission it needed to get his Birth certificate from (Iowa.) oops Idaho. One could conclude this happened because Cobra released its hold on Brent's billing company. That done, the public release of his Washington driver’s license is really a non-event. I would not be surprised if part of Brent's reason for releasing it was to watch the deniers go into deeper denial, but I don't know that.
jim said... May 8, 2007 2:08 PM
"I would not be surprised if part of Brent's reason for releasing it was to watch the deniers go into deeper denial, but I don't know that. "
LOL! It worked! That sneaky Brent!
That is highly probable and he was probably giggling the whole time he did it. Now he is probably kicking himself about it. (I say he should have just gone old school and used tape to cover the address but that is just me) the Id is valid no matter what the age denials want to believe.
Anonymous said... May 8, 2007 2:33 PM
Albert, ignoring Cobra and Bryan in all of this Brent clearly made a decision to withhold his ID and then release it. So repeating the two questions you did not answer:-
Was it a good idea for Brent to wait till now to show his ID?
How has the notoriety generated by the delay helped his business ?
Oh, and Jim you didn't answer any of the questions.
I answered the questions for you. See beginning of this post.
ab said... May 8, 2007 2:42 PM
You go boy you got it. Cheers to our late night session it worked for you.
-Martin May 8, 2007 4:40 PM
I am trying to get past this age issue but there are those who are hung up on it. So we tend to revisit it on a regular basis.
I would very much like to see Sean split off and start a new venture with his new name and just drop Brent Corrigan. Suppose he'd need a backer though but that's the way forward.
That would be nice but I can understand Sean’s reticence about giving up the name Brent Corrigan. he feels he earned the right to use it. But I can also see your point of view on that issue as well. The name has so much negativity involved with it. We all know who he is and he could use any name he wanted and still have the recognition. He is after all the Super Twink Of The New Millenium and no one can take that name away from him cause I gave him that title. As for getting a new backer thats a real sore spot because as you may well know that is the issue they are having now. Lee Bergeron the L in LSG media is being a real pain in the ass as far as the company goes. Can you say greedy little weasel?
jim said... May 8, 2007 5:05 PM
I answered the questions as well Jim
Julien said... May 8, 2007 5:13 PM
Believe nothing, try to get more than one source for everything...been my approach from the get-go. Cynical eh?
Yes I agree with you on that and I try to do the same but not everyone you talk to or get info from is willing to be put out on the Internet. You have to choose whom to believe and verify their source of info. Which I do but I have been guilty of speculation and will readily admit when I am wrong. Others are not so willing to do so and that makes getting to the truth much harder. You know this as well.
Anonymous said... May 8, 2007 8:10 PM
Brent gave Cobra the written permission it needed to get his Birth certificate from Iowa.
Brent was born in Idaho that’s where the best ho’s come from oops I mean potatoes.
Anonymous said... May 8, 2007 8:51 PM
The top four suspects in order are Grant, Dewayne, Harlow and Lee.
Well I feel slighted only BB thinks I’m a suspect? That really hurt’s my feelings.
Albert said... May 8, 2007 8:57 PM
I'm thinking Duke Romney, Dickie, Macias and of course George Bush.
What to hear my theory? Well here goes Dickie Slashed him Duke Romney and Macias each stabbed him 14 times each and George Bush burned him. George has always been fascinated by fire.
DewayneinSD said... May 8, 2007 9:39 PM
Damon does get Cobra does he not? Maybe he did do it hmmmm. Kinda makes you wonder. Na damon does not have the balls to do this. My vote is for Anonymous said... May 8, 2007 8:51 PM why you ask? Because he is trying to deflect the blame on someone else. Turn your self in anon. It will be ok.
geee i didnt make the suspect list ... i though i read you were on the list somewhere elms...
ReplyDeleteyeah we sure like going round and round and round - but one day - something will give and we will all be amazed i am sure
have a good one elms
rob in oz
you too rob
ReplyDeleteI have updated the timeline with some new info if you all would like to check it out.
ReplyDeleteFlaym thrower say’s bitches beware I’ve got the dirt on Lee Bitchbetterrun. He’s a broke and thieving ho bag. Last I heard he was about to file chapter 11 for the third time. All the bitch does is take and destroy. So Merlin what’s your deal. Why you puttin nails in the coffin of LSG Media?
ReplyDeletehe has more different names than a small town phone book. I thoght he was a nail salon. go ahead Merlin pull another rabbit out of you ass.
ReplyDeleteCannot understand why Brent didn't just disclose his ID at the start to completely undermine Cobra and end all the drama before it began.
ReplyDeleteIt just seems a complete waste of time and possibly life for this to be drawn out so long.
At the very least he has wasted $48,000 in legal fees.
If he wanted to test the unbelievers he needs to know that he is neither Christ nor CS Lewis.
elm said: "As for getting a new backer thats a real sore spot because as you may well know that is the issue they are having now."
ReplyDeletewhy cant his cobrakiller back everything? he 'claims to be rich, you know that trust fund many brag about. we know it is an obvious lie.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThe top four suspects in order are Grant, Dewayne, Harlow and Lee.
May 8, 2007 8:51 PM
WTF, I am no longer a suspect? LOL... ok its not really funny.
I agree with TWO out of the FOUR.
depain, you have accused almost every poster on these blogs as being the killer. not nice when they say it is you is it.
ReplyDeletei have wondered about DK posting here and on jasons blog.
your rant and attack against me, you know... the one where your going to find me and make public all my private info and put my life in danger got me thinking... what if depain... nevermind :)
BB...your drugs are wearing off again. Go take some more before you go on another crazy rant. We don't want to hear it!
ReplyDeleteHey don't pick on bb. Without him elm's blogs would only be elm typing one handed about
ReplyDeletebb may be mad but does he stay awake until 6am to perpetuate all this stuff?
ROFL "depain" ..thats a good one, BB. I still think it looks like dewayne (everytime I read his name I think of that annoying Jasmine Guy from that show A Different World "DEEEEEEEWAAAAYYNNNE!!!) is in that pic that is supposed to be of bryan in the background. It looks like he's staring at brent's ass like a hungry mofo. ;)
ReplyDeleteElm, to your credit you have been very critical of BB producers. With your knowledge and interest can you tell us how Harlow's precautions compare to Cobra?
ReplyDeletejulien he is what he accuses others of being is all. loud mouth know it all who rants and raves much the same way the cobrakiller did... not that i am suggesting he is the cobrakiller :)
ReplyDeleteno way in hell is that bryan in the pic. i even recall sean saying in one of his blogs bryan had sent goons to do the deed. elm was duped by someone.
the hairline is nothing like bryans.
Which pic of Bryan?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHey don't pick on bb. Without him elm's blogs would only be elm typing one handed about
bb may be mad but does he stay awake until 6am to perpetuate all this stuff?
May 9, 2007 10:45 AM
You know As far as BB goes he can post his senseless babble on my blog whenever he wants to. And I will argue my point and he will argue his. IF YOU DO NOT APPREICIATE MY BLOG THEN GO AWAY. I will write about what I want to write about on MY BLOG. Where do get off trying to tell me what to write about. If I want to write about Boybatter I will and you can try and berate me for doing it. But I will write the who, what or why about whatever I choose. I am quite tired of you holier than thou assholes who come her and think that I should only write about what you want to read about. If you want to read something that you are interested than write you own damn blog. You can argue about what I write and you can disagree with what I write but you can damn well not tell me what I can write about. As far as you go I don’t need your petty bullshit here because you are just a distraction and not a good one at that.. Thank you very much!
On a total different note there is a new site coming soon anyone know if its Brents new site without the ass Lee ?????
ReplyDeleteBrent's new site will be Lee free.