Black helicopters

Black helicopters
It's The Black Helicopters Bitches

Monday, May 21, 2007


pre·var·i·cate –verb (used without object), -cat·ed, -cat·ing.
To speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie.

This is the reason we are gathered here to day to discuss the prevarication’s of a few of people

Well I have heard from several people about the whole crazy mess between LSG Media and Cobra Video and I have followed what has transpired between these two companies for the last couple of years. All the lies and the hate being thrown around and the various spins either side put on their arguments. Well to tell you the truth I am getting just a little disgusted by it all. So lets put some truth out there shall we.
Grant Roy did not initiate the settlement between LSG Media and Cobra Video Lee Bergeron initiated it. Grant was content to fight with Bryan until the end. Just some spin that I wanted to correct.
Also the attorneys fees were not the responsibility of Lee Bergeron they were the responsibility of Grant Roy. Lee was to pay the models and Grant was to pay the attorneys. The reason that the settlement was not moving forward was because Grant Roy halted the negotiations; their attorney never said it in exact words but that is implied. Grant Roy also was trying to hold up the settlement but Bryan gave them an ultimatum. Grant was waiting for some sort of reprieve so they would not have to settle. He dragged this on for far to long and everyone was getting tired of it. All parties finally signed on the 20th of January.
There is a settlement in place and I have that confirmed from a very reliable source.
As always with Sean and Grant they try to blame others for their pitfalls. They really should look closer to home for who or what is causing their problems. Lee is well within his rights as the major shareholder in the company to sell the video footage to recoup his investment. I know you are saying that this is a complete turn around for me but I had to play the game to get this story to this point. I had to get the age issue resolved so we could clear up the other issues. But then the arrest happened and now here is where we stand.
Just to debunk another lie, Harlow did not contact LSG Media first they contacted him asking if he would like to work with Brent Corrigan. They also invited them to Las Vegas to the AVN Expo. Joe and Harlow took them out to dinner and there was a tentative business deal made to film some videos after the settlement was signed. That is why they made that announcement to the members of their web-site on January 14th. Why would they make such a statement if there were not a possible deal? Did Sean and Grant Break yet another contract? The story that Sean comes up with in the Jody Wheeler piece "TwoPair" is also a blatant fabrication by the spin-meister him-self. The story of an offer to good to be true made to Brent when they emailed Harlow. And the statement "Harlow and Joe fucked it all up" what did Sean really mean by that? Why would Grant say that Brent was still under contract with Cobra? Brent Broke that contract in September in 2005. Wasn’t this why they were in settlement negotiations in the first place, so Brent could have use of that name and he could work for or with who ever he wanted to? The settlement says with only a couple of exceptions that Brent could work with anybody he choose to work with. Why would they lie about this? If you did not want to work with Joe and Harlow why did you not tell them the truth? It really is not that hard or is it? What I really don’t understand about all of this is why Joe and Harlow would go and kill Bryan Kocis unless they were put up to it by a deal that was to good to be true. Kill a man they did not even know in some sort of porn turf war. Grant did you come up with that one for the cops? Now you don’t expect me to believe that crook of bullshit do you? You have stated your hate for Bryan from as far back as I can remember. The juicygoo forums and the cobrakiller blog and even in the anonymous posts on my blog. Your anger towards him is off putting. I can just imagine Joe and Harlow sitting there listening to you spew your hate for Bryan. How he stops you at every turn and he was a child molester and how he molested and was mean to Brent and how he stole the name Brent Corrigan and shut down your web-site and made your life miserable. Yet you expect us all to believe that you did not hatch a plot to destroy Bryan Kocis and Cobra video with Joe and Harlow. Get real, people talk and word gets around about things you think no one knows about. And its only a matter of time for the truth to come out and all the spin your band of supporters are doing for you will not help you then. They might just get pulled into jail with you.
The evidence against Joe and Harlow looks pretty damning but they may still have a rabbit up their sleeve. It is because of all these lies that Bryan is dead, Joe and Harlow are in Jail and LSG Media is broke.
All these lies surround the name Brent Corrigan. The name is tainted. And it leaves a nasty taste in the mouth of all that speak it. I really can't say if Grant was or was not involved in this nasty mess but his hands are not clean either. I just speaks volumes towards the decietful charactor of all those involved. so what is next more lie and deceptions. I will just say this Lee Bergeron you better watch your back. Porn is a dirty business and the players don't all play nice as we have all witnessed in the recent months and you never know what nasty little games these people play.
I also have it from a reliable source that Cobra is not dead and there are back up masters and also back up 2257 files and Cobra will be sold as per Bryan’s will and the new owners will enforce the settlement. So I guess this was all for naught. Where does LSG Media go from here?

This is Elmysterio and I'm out


  1. Hi Elm

    I have been saying that at that Vegas meeting Grant would not have changed the subject when h/j said what if Bryan went to Canada - he would have seen it as a chance to vent, gossip and tell his side of the story to people that were in the same industry and could sympathize with him. He at the least dislikes Bryan so I can't see him taking the high road and keeping his mouth shut...after all we all know that he posted at JG, JS, here and let his Opinions be well known.

  2. and Btw I am not a Grant or Brent hater - I just see that somethings aren't adding up

  3. "And its only a matter of time for the truth to come out and all the spin your band of supporters are doing for you will not help you then. They might just get pulled into jail with you. "

    LOL! How unfortunate, because I can never quite accessorize well wearing orange. It's just NOT my color!

    Perhaps I should start adding my own name to the countdown?

  4. I can confirm from discussions with Bryan that he digitised all his DV tapes and archived them off-site in case of fire or theft.

    The actual USC2257 documents, as I have said before, were retained by a local atty. Whether or not that complied with the strict requirements I have no idea.

    Sounds like that much is true.

  5. Elm I love you dearly but all I can say is this. Harlow and Joe in jail Sean and Grant not in jail. Nothing in what you said was anything more that your reading of the only the facts you have, by no means all the facts the police have. It seems that law enforcement after looking at all the evidence has chosen another theory of the case and are going to trial with it. You do not get a walk on murder if you are a part of the plot. The answer to why they would kill perhaps is as simple as they are killers. As for a trick up their sleeve I assume you are hoping that they implicate Sean and Grant. Surely you are not suggesting they are going to walk away from this? What is it about a motive of Greed that seems to slip past people. Someone stood between them and the money they thought they could have for themselves. Why is that not enough? It has been why people have been murdered since time began. For some reason you want to find a reason to exonerate Harlow and Joe. I feel no sympathy for them. It looks very much like they are vicious killers. As I said I am not anyone's supporter but I think you have gone too far calling people murderers because you think they have to be. You do not have the facts to back that up, only your feeling that wonderful sweet Harlow could not have done this, it had to be Grant. To suggest that anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get real or go to jail with them belies not only the very basic fact that the people with all the evidence do not agree with you' but it is not based in anything other than your reading of only portions of fact that for some reason you desperately need to pass the guilt from those arrested to those not. From the moment Bryan was murdered all eyes looked to Grant and Sean. Do you really think the police did not go there first? Why would the police play favorites here? Is it that Grant overpowered their minds as well? Or maybe just maybe it is what they say it is. In the meantime accusing people of what you cannot prove, but only what you feel has to be true is not only irresponsible it is intellectually dishonest. In closing Harlow and Joe in jail, Sean and Grant not in jail.

  6. Hey, since the title of this topic is "Prevarications," I thought wow, this post is the PERFECT place to replay...mark @ GREATEST HITS!!!

    Here's a lovely little number from Apr of my personal favorites (and I DO mean personal!):

    "mark @ said...
    Jim, sorry but I post not in response to anything you might say, I have learned to welcome negative press ever since Harlow & one of our Navy Seal Escorts were pushed butt naked against the wall in a Hotel Bust @ the Marriott in Norfolk 2 years ago. The only thing to come of this was the head of Norfolk Vice Squad approaching me after Barry taylor got all charges dropped and the Srgt shook my hand and says OUR department officially will leave you guys alone as it is clear You do your job right! This made press and only big BUCKS it was at this point we purchased our 1 million dollar home. Negative has always been Positive here.
    Boybatter has Cuadraooopled <<<(spelling mistake) 4 fold since this wrongful accusation. SO KNOW,...everytime you post slaps and flap your lip in wild and misplaced contempt YOU bring our Harvest more plentiful. THANKS Brent Corrigan, Grant ROY, & JIM for all you have done! KEEP ON. as we will

    April 14, 2007 9:14 AM "

  7. Oh...and speaking of Prevarications...HOW could I possibly leave out this pithy little number? Short but sweet...A CLASSIC if there ever was:

    mark @ said...
    hey elm wats your email i wanna chat..privately!


    April 16, 2007 1:33 PM

  8. Oh Elm I forgot to add while I was in confimation mode that yes, as I have said before the settlement was signed and in force when Bryan was murdered.

    Technically the litigation was still ongoing until the discontinuance was filed with the Court. That this was filed as scheduled to end the dispute is public evidence for any doubters.

    Strangely a reliable source contacted me today to confirm that even the masterdisc of Every Poolboys Dream remains in a pristine condition.

    Who knows even if the age issue is unresolved in 20 years time when the age of consent is reduced to 10 (because al la Logan's Run we all get killed at 30) Mr Corrigan can once again reappear in all his finest.

    Just in time for Harlow to be freed.

    I mean that 20 years would still be contemporary for some of Falcon's product.

  9. Ah, a another rediscovered classic...note what the affidavit says about the non-return to their home:

    mark @ said...
    TO INTERJECT ON A HAPPY NOTE!!! Harlow & Joe are staying put in their home in Va Beach and are repairing the SWAT damage this week! ALSO AS I WRITE THIS MEMO ...Harlow is filming his newest XXX blockbuster in Va Beach with NEW STUD Jakob Drake and Harlow...wild stuff too!!!!

  10. Oh this one is PRICELESS:

    mark @ said...
    Hey elmysterio, just wanted to say THANKS hummm I think for those words in your blog, but I would have to say one thing, Mark does NOT equal Trent, hes hot and all but I do exsist as my own entity and persona, as the billing admin computer specialist etc and i do most of the escort hiring at boisrus. Joe/Trent hired me 3 years ago when the biz started taking off and has been very kind to me. Joe & Harlow are genuine and honorable studs and if you ever met them would agree.

  11. Am I correct in noting that at no point in the affidavtit is "Drake" mentioned?

  12. Jim's on fire today...

  13. I don't think I saw it mentioned anywhere, Cad. So, did we ever find out where the name "Drake" came from?

  14. Oh yes, Jim's a regular laugh riot today. Shame that he's only staying on the blog with us another 28 days.

  15. Jim what are you trying to say that I conspired with the enemy? If you wanted to email me you could any body can my email is posted with my profile. So if you have a problem with me chatting with my readers get over it. Cause I will do what I want to do thank you very much.

  16. Good post today, Elm. You raise some solid points and ask some tough questions. Not sure we'll ever get truthful or spin free answers to them but it's good that they're being asked.

  17. I will be counting the days until he is in court with the rest of the riff raff

  18. Is there a way to search the comments by a particular poster?

    These "Mark" postings are a Schadenfreude goldmine! The the only thing, hunting them out by eyeball scan is tedious...

    And these are just from Elm's blog here! The one's over on Jason's are probably even juicier...

  19. "elmysterio said...
    Jim what are you trying to say that I conspired with the enemy? If you wanted to email me you could any body can my email is posted with my profile. So if you have a problem with me chatting with my readers get over it. Cause I will do what I want to do thank you very much. "

    Actually no.

    BUT now that you bring the subject up...

    Perhaps you'd like to share what you and Mark discussed via private email?

    I take it you still have copies of the emails you passed back and forth between you two, right?

    Being the whole title of this post is Prevarications, well, 'twood be most appropo, no?

    And I'm sure I'm not the only enquiring mind on this subject, 'bout it????

  20. pretty much the same thing I talked about with grant

  21. Cool post those too, if you can!

  22. no I will not. just like if you emailed I would not post them thank you very much

  23. OK, your the boss.

    But I am understandibly curious, however (as am others I'm sure) so you can't fault me for askin'!

    Although, the "Mark" ones may well be should brace yourself for that distinct possibility, you know.

  24. Jim, I don't understand you.

    You won the gold medal for loyalty to the Harlow is guilty story. You are just undermining yourself by persisting in such a strangely unsupported manner.

    Harlows guilt does not mean Sean & Grant's innocence. I don't see it as proving their guilt either.

    The fact is it took 4 months for us to discover facts that not even you could have believed to have been true.

    Time will reveal other matters and if I were you I would be happy to rest on my laurels.

    Or at least adhere to that one post a day promise !!!!

  25. My Harlow theory was an educated prediction...which turned out to be correct.

    I guess you could say I'm now making another such prediction via Grant.

    Like the Harlow theory, time will tell.

  26. Jim, I understand. From what I have read Sean & Grant have underplayed their knowledge and involvement with Harlow & Grant at every stage.

    There is no denying that H&S and S&G had a connection. The extent and duration of that connection is as yet unknown but we know it was started by Grant who chose for himself the moniker "Cobrakiller".

    Within 2 weeks of a public meeting and within 1 week of a convenient settlement S&G's nemesis was dead.

    Two very stupid people have been accused of the murder.

    27 days and counting...........

  27. the police can subpoenae them but the will get nothing of importance.

  28. I wonder if there has been an auction going on in SD

  29. Elm you made a good point about the direction of emails.

    At what point did Harlow decide to contact Grant rather than Sean. I do wonder.

    The good thing is the police have already shown their ability to track emails. I wonder who Sean will blame his involvement on.

    Oh and I hope someone has reported Le Circque serving underage drinkers to the Nevada gaming board.

  30. Maybe thats why Sean Cleaned his closet

  31. the one thing about this is everybody is cesspool and they are complaing that it stinks

  32. Kevin we haven't all been swimming in the shit as long as you. How many times did you have to fuck Ashton before he became HIV + ?

  33. What the heck is Kevin Clarke doing here preaching all high and mighty.

    Go and solve your own problems. You know what they are.

  34. to Anonymous said May 21, 2007 7:17 PM
    you are a sick fuck and you should leave this blog

  35. Well since when has Kevin Clarke held the higher moral ground.

    How many times DID he fuck Ashton to get him HIV +

    We all know he is.

  36. "Anonymous said...
    I wonder if there has been an auction going on in SD

    May 21, 2007 6:59 PM "

    As a matter of fact...YES there was!

    I stopped following Brent's recent jock strap auction after it hit $1,070.00.

    It ended last Saturday. The site does not seem to archive past auctions, however, so what the final bid was, who knows?

    Still, over $1000 for a jock strap...whew!

    If there was a more effective way for Brent to give the ole "Irish one-fingered salute" to those on here saying "Oh Brent's career is FINISHED!"...well, I cannot image what that way would be! LOL! Ha ha!

  37. all this reading on the blogs... blllahh.. too much... think i'll just wait about a year or so and get the whole story on one of those Dateline NBC murder mystery / conspiracies shows. something tells me Stone Phillips will jump on this one.

  38. Kevin it is so easy for you to see your own flaws in others.

    Fuck off and just try and make a decent flick without infecting all the boys.

  39. It looks like "Damon Kreutzer" has decided to bless us with his presence, anonymously.

    So, how's your mom doing, Damon?

  40. Damon looser the police read this blog and they are aware of all the posters

  41. oh shit I guess I better watch what I post?

  42. Jim, how many participants were there in that auction?

    Independent sources for the police state that were making 15K a month profit from subscriptions. How come they could do that as nonentities and Sean can only raise 1K as a novelty.

    If Sean and you thinks living on 1K a month makes him a star then so be it.

  43. Oh hi Kent. As for my own flaws there are many but one thing no one can say about me it that I ever touched a model. As for making a flick sorry I retired in December. However I am here using my own name not hiding like a coward. This discussion has nothing to do with Ashton and his HIV status, but that is not an issue I have either been shy about, or lied about.

  44. I can confirm that statement about boybatter.

  45. that auction mentioned a few 60 inch plasma TVs, anyone know if one of those are still available? been looking for a bargin on a 60 inch and Wal-Mart only has a 50 inch. ehehe

  46. "If Sean and you thinks living on 1K a month makes him a star then so be it. "

    No, I think selling a single smelly article of clothing for $1000 is fairly indictative of the intensity of his fan base out there.

    By the Brent haters theory of things, the auction should have failed, because Brent Corrigan is "washed up."

    Obviously, the Brent bashers theory has reality-based problems. MUCH to their chagrin!

  47. Hey Jim you ever think it could just be a hedge bet that it will be worth more after he goes to jail?

  48. jim said... "By the Brent haters theory of things, the auction should have failed, because Brent Corrigan is "washed up."

    barring this auction, and ALL those posts on his blog praising and adoring him (AS IF he / grant dont write most of those) can you cite any examples of him not being "washed up" to use your words Jim?

  49. Eh, I somehow doubt the auction attracted those who thought he was prison-bound.

    Matter of fact, upon reflection...NO. I think the value of that much for an article of clothing only makes sense for a collector if, the person from whom the jockstrap originated was destined to make more movies and increase his name recognition over time.

    Take a hypothetical Harlow jockstrap, for instance. I doubt it'll be worth anything after 10 years of him sitting on death row. By that time, he will be forgetton.

  50. His public appearances. His interviews (GayWired, etc.)

    He's quite a marketable commodity IMO. The fact that he has not done a video in a while just means when one finally comes'll likely be a sensation.

    Hehe, the Brent haters are tasting bile in their mouths right now...'cause they know it's true...Hehehe...

  51. His public appearances? didn't he say himself donkypunch may soon be over? jim?

  52. did you go to his last appearence Jim?

  53. Even Cats didn't run on Broadway forever.

  54. This is about the lies that were told not about bashing Brent.people lets stay focused

  55. I seem to recall reading somewhere (DeWaine?) that Brent had another non-Donkey Punch p/a over the weekend...I'll see if I can find what that was...

  56. as far as my opinion the name Brent Corrigan should be put out to pasture. It is truly not a good name to be associated with

  57. it was milltary madness and DeWayne did not go

  58. How was it, Elm? : )

  59. I did not go I don't live in sd

  60. mike in TN said...

    i dont understand why Harlow and Joe didn't just get into that Honda S2000 (apparently, according to "Mark", the fastest ever in the world) and high tail it down to Mexico. instead they went to, according to another post i read, miami beach?

  61. Yeah that's what Jody posted, kind of an inside scoop, can' wait to get the rest of the details...wonder if they stayed in a houseboat down there? LOL!

  62. Okay, Jim. How long have you been a "fan" of Sean's? I thought Dewayne and Albert were the most dedicated fans of Sean's. But your statements as of late tell me you may just be his biggest fan. Do you see yourself putting him up on a pedestal as some moral compass we should all base our views on. I'm just wondering how you got to that thinking. Now, you told me you never made any donations to his three requests for donations last year and I believe you said you never subscribed to his member site when it opened last fall or when it reopened in February and I don't remember you being there for the live chats with fans last October and while you certainly could be a frequent poster on his blog, I don't recall you ever saying you were.

    So, are you really a fan of his or is there some other reason you have decided to take it upon yourself to be Sean's online "defender." Grant usually handles that, as we've seen by his postings as Anon these past few weeks. A fan is one thing, but from what you say, you make it sound like Sean should be up for the Nobel Peace Prize and should be scheduled for Sainthood before the year is out. I realize you haven't said those exact words, Jim, but I use them now to try and see if you're actually reading what you're writing when you present the "facts" as you see them in regards to Sean. As if it was all so black and white. As if there was no room for interpretation. If only, Jim.

  63. LOL, I love it when people resort to ad hominum attacks and try to impune my motives!

    I've become a fan of Brent. Yes. But not of his porn.

    MJ, I've said this before, you know, so, this SHOULD come as no great revelation to you: I'm a fan of Brent because he a GREAT symbol of a porn star David actually taking on a porn studio producer Goliath.

    And in the end, he won. Oh he lucked out, no doubt; he had some unexpected help from a couple of Virginia Beach loonies... but he won.

    And thats why I became a fan. Not for his porn, but for him setting the example for similar downtrodden porn actors out there.

    Would you believe I've never actually seen one of his videos? Well, it's true. It's not his porn I'm a fan of, it's his political symbolism.

    You know, I did a post a couple weeks back, my "Revolution" post, you recall it? I'll see if I can find it again, and repost it...

    It's wonderful insight into the mind and motives of jim you so curiously seek. : )

  64. Cad said...

    Oh Elm I forgot to add while I was in confimation mode that yes, as I have said before the settlement was signed and in force when Bryan was murdered.

    Technically the litigation was still ongoing until the discontinuance was filed with the Court. That this was filed as scheduled to end the dispute is public evidence for any doubters.

    Strangely a reliable source contacted me today to confirm that even the masterdisc of Every Poolboys Dream remains in a pristine condition.

    May 21, 2007 5:45 PM

    Now CAD, oh please do tell, Cobra still retains the original check disc for "Every Poolboy's Dream?" What about the other 3 titles that are also deemed child pornography, do they retain full copies of those too?

    I'm sure someone within the FBI or Justice Department would be very interested in hearing from you on that claim! Would you be a dear and do the right thing and report your source to the authorities so they can do there job? I encourage you to report this illegal activity at once, since you are such the upstanding crime fighting citizen you so claim to be!

    Justice must be done!

  65. Ah here it there, mj, now you'll know what makes me tick! : )

    BTW, this is also why I suspect many anons here want to skin me alive...I believe they are in many cases industry insiders, producers and big wigs themselves, who want to keep porn actors in their rightful place of indentured servitude...naturally, they want me silenced.

    Well, they'll get their wish! 28 more day gentlemen, 28 more days!

    "Now that it's behind about the murder? Hey great idea! Except...what the hell are we gonna say, that already hasn't been said ad infinitem already? Until we get an update from the investigation (May 29?) we REALLY have nothing more to say.

    That was another useful feature of the age filled this massive lull of forthcoming murder investigation info. I'm starting to wistfully miss the age debate. I feel so...empty now! : (

    LOL! Seriously folks, here's a suggestion...what should be done about the imbalance of power in the pornstar/porn studio relationship...of studio owners like Bryan making tons of $$$$, buying Masaratis...while naive powerless kids like Brent get a used Jetta?

    What do we do about studio execs who, although perhaps not as pyschotic and controlling as Bryan was (according to these emails) still treat their employees as disposable assets...used for a few movies, paid a relative pittance, and then cast off like yesterday's garbage as soon as their shelf life is deemed to have expired?

    Should this now be the rallying cry for a Revolution? The start of a union perhaps? A PAG (Porn Actors Guild), if you will?

    Now how bout that as a topic! What think you all??? "

  66. Jim I love how you make brent a hero. but his heroismcome from a lie. he lied about his age to get into porn. he lied to his fans about the donations that he collected he broke a contract with the studio he work for and he lied when he took possession of the car he drives to this day by telling Bryan that he would complete the contract. all of his fabulas heroics are based in Lies.
    so I guess liars are you heros. well that is just special now is it not?

  67. He lied about his age to get into porn, yes.

    The lie about the donations was recently disproven. They went to the triple-bypass attorney.

    There was no real contract, for reasons both legal and factual, which we have covered ad nauseum already.

    So, one lie out of 3. Eh, I can live with that.

  68. Elm, you are right. Lies were told. Really and truely though, they were told to you. You believed Joe and Harlow. You believed they were wrongly accused. That this was some kind of mistake. That there is something much deeper here going on.

    There isn't.

    You have every right to be mad. I remember the first time, as a social worker, I went to bat for a client that, for a variety of reasons, I just knew in my gut to be a good person, misunderstood and wrongly accused. The betrayal when I discovered -- and it was me, with the evidence I turned up, confirmed five ways to sunday -- I'd been played was, to say the least, one of the lowest moments in my life. I thought I waste as a social worker. My boss just gave me another case. And reminded me of my mortgage.

    It happens, El.

    The anger you are feeling? Direct it at the two ignoramuses who ended another persons life. The planned and executed another human being over porn. They then profited from it. They lied to you and anyone else who'd listen about it. Harlow and Joe are sick fucks. They are where they need to be.

    Turn the rage at them. They deserve it.

  69. I get the distinct impression Elm is still in the "Denial" stage.

    Take Jody's advice, Elm...try now to move up a step to "Anger."

    We are all you pals here, Elm. We WANT to see you reach "Acceptance" in this, and we are here if you need us.

  70. Strong language, Elm. My brain is spinning. I just hope that Grant doesn't get off the hook for his involvement in this.

  71. Oh and Elm, don't forget Jason was apparantly bamboozled by Joe, your not alone.

    That's actually the main reason I want to see the emails between you too...Joe must have been a very smooth operator to have charmed you both, and seeing what he wrote you guys would be quite fascinting IMO.

  72. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  73. Jim, porn models are disposable assets, sorry kid--thems the breaks. Just like actors never see as much cash as someone like..oh i don't know; Rupert Murdoch?

    Brent is not a hero. And with all this negative press and all the drama surrounding him--its really time for him to get out; get a life and try working for a living--like the rest of the world.

    I don't care that he went to the FBI (allegedly) about his age--it was still him stabbing his boss in the back to go and try and make money somewhere else; no one forced him to do porn and he's not suffering because of it -- I'm sure the feds would really have helped him if he got out of the life--he stubbornly refuses to do so.

    The porn industry only values you for a few years at most. That's the way it works; there is always someone younger and hotter and cuter out there to take your place--life's not fair boo hoo.

    No matter what the spin is, nothing will ever convince me that Grant and Sean had abso fucking nada to do with this murder. Joe probably carried it out; Harlow helped him by luring Kocis to carry it out..etc etc; but as far as the intent to kill--it was always with both Grant and Sean. Something took place--some promise was made or some money was given for that hit. I said it before and I'll say it again--no one with two brain cells or more can really think that those two had NOTHING to do with it.

    Turning Joe and Harlow in should surprise no one -- Corrigan has stabbed people in the back before..including his fans. Wake up, sycophants.

  74. See what I'm saying, mj?

  75. jim said...
    He lied about his age to get into porn, yes.

    The lie about the donations was recently disproven. They went to the triple-bypass attorney.

    There was no real contract, for reasons both legal and factual, which we have covered ad nauseum already.

    So, one lie out of 3. Eh, I can live with that.

    May 21, 2007 9:18 PM

    Jim your second part of your commit is incorrect it has never been proven where the money went.
    and as far as the second contract Sean signed he was 18 when he signed it os it was valid.

  76. Jody said...
    Elm, you are right. Lies were told. Really and truely though, they were told to you. You believed Joe and Harlow. You believed they were wrongly accused. That this was some kind of mistake. That there is something much deeper here going on.

    Jody you are such a great Psycho oops I mean Psychologist and you always hit the nail on the head. Why don’t you use this amazing gift to help Sean and Grant deal with their anger issues and their pathological personalities.
    There isn't.

    You have every right to be mad. I remember the first time, as a social worker, I went to bat for a client that, for a variety of reasons, I just knew in my gut to be a good person, misunderstood and wrongly accused. The betrayal when I discovered -- and it was me, with the evidence I turned up, confirmed five ways to sunday -- I'd been played was, to say the least, one of the lowest moments in my life. I thought I waste as a social worker. My boss just gave me another case. And reminded me of my mortgage.

    well I guess you have to make that climb again because it has happened to you again. You have been fooled by the precious little Sean and his lover Grant. You have been consumed by their prevaricatory personalities

    It happens, El.

    The anger you are feeling? Direct it at the two ignoramuses who ended another persons life. The planned and executed another human being over porn. They then profited from it. They lied to you and anyone else who'd listen about it. Harlow and Joe are sick fucks. They are where they need to be.

    Maybe that in fact is the case but the reservation is for 4 and Joe and Harlow are waiting for their dinner guest. They are all a party to this tragedy and you know this as well as anybody so deal with it.

    Turn the rage at them. They deserve it.

    As far turning my rage towards anyone or any thing it is aimed at the truth.
    May 21, 2007 9:25 PM

  77. Rage against the truth? C'mon Elms, read your writing before you post LOL

  78. "Jim your second part of your commit is incorrect it has never been proven where the money went.
    and as far as the second contract Sean signed he was 18 when he signed it os it was valid."

    But the burden on proof lies with the asserter.

    Here, the assertion is that Brent lied about donations. Hence, to make this case, it has to be prooven it did not go to the triple bypass guy.

  79. Grant pId that out of his trust and he even said so.

  80. well I guess you have to make that climb again because it has happened to you again. You have been fooled by the precious little Sean and his lover Grant. You have been consumed by their prevaricatory personalities...

    El, in time, the anger lessens. It never goes completely away, but it does get easier.

    Vent to your friends. Vent to your family. That's what they're there for.

  81. Jody I really appreciate your condescending personality. It really shows your insecurities. Maybe that explains your inability to see past you own misconceptions. You do so enjoy the ignorance of your belief that Sean and Grant are not complicit in this murder. Far be it for me to burst your little of truth I will leave you believe what you want and I will believe what I want believe and we shall leave at that.

  82. great new post and took the words right outta my mouth ....

    i've said before that after months and months of spouting he wanted revenge on bryan ... and wanted him out of the picture ... that he "changed the subject" at the dinner... is just laughable ... grant would bag bryan to who ever would listen ... and to whoever wouldn't

    it was there for all to see ... so come on grant do you think that we really believe your statement in the affidavit ... you may have played the two pawns like fools but there a some queens out there that see through your knight in shinning armour persona

  83. hey jim... where was brent working when harlow called him - re the news of bryan?

  84. Gadzooks, go over to Julien's page and see the notes to Link #39. And read about...Harlow's Yard Sale!

    Okay. Now, compare that, to another oldie but goodie from Mark @'s GREATEST HITS! (btw, it was tough call choosing one to match up with Harlow's Yard Sale; this one seemed on the best IMO, so...):

    "mark @ said...
    Hello Guys! Mark here from ... Harlow Trent Drake and the rest of the gang send their LOVE! Bizness is booming again here in norfolk. we opened our new 1.3 million dollar office/incall location in a new refurbished historic building in downtown norfolk near the waterfront. its real posh. if you mention your a blog supporter I will give you an exxxtra special deal on seeing one of our guys here :-). maybe you never thought of having the same smooth stud you watch in porn in real life to fuck and suck BUT here its like Disney World for adults. candy...boy candy to lick and enjoy! and its all legal! :-)
    we have uploaded 1 more new item of enjoyment @, a teaser clip of next weeks major upload with Harlow and newcummer stan in a San Diego downtown hotel! please see our new menu of subscription choices @
    O , I almost forgot, Harlow has gone down to the Va beach courthouse to identify property taken in the raid/search of our incall pad. items taken, (42 computers and cameras etc.) will be trucked back next week to our new location. WOW, to get the seized items back is a Victory from our point of view as obviously they see NO reason to hold them...or us for that matter.
    Innocent young whores are we.
    Anyways, always thanks

    March 26, 2007 9:24 AM "

  85. "rob in oz said...
    hey jim... where was brent working when harlow called him - re the news of bryan? "

    You know, thats a interesting question, I dunno.

  86. From Brent's current post to his blog

    " hope you get a chance to read that before I’m forced to delete my true feelings on the matter.
    I hope I heard Hitchins correctly . . . I think I heard him use the term “Cheshirian”. As in, the Cheshire Cat? The all elusive, shape shifting, cunning and even back stabbing character from Alice and Wonderland?
    I love that term.
    Bryan was Cheshirian.
    The second business partner is Cheshirian.
    I think I dislike cats because of it Besides, Dickie doesn’t like them much either, so it’s worked out just fine.
    You guys! I’ve been thinking. THINKING. These wheels are spinning. This afternoon I thought up two amazingly great DVD ideas/themes. I’m cooking. And this time, I’m not the Sous chef. I am not the kind of “product” he thinks I am. And I’m certainly not anyone’s “bitch”. And I’m getting ready to let my actions send that message loud and clear. I’m not going to play these politics anymore. Sometimes one of the smartest business moves one can ever make is knowing when to cut your losses. I’m exited. I’m so ready for this I’m shaking in my office chair as I write this.
    And I’m certainly no longer that naked little boy I used to be".

    Looks more and more likely that Brent's gonna walk - how unusual. I used to feel sorry for him and how messey things were but now I can't help thinking he brings it on himself by being so Manipulative and Conniving. Lee is definitely not a nice guy but gees Brent has things to answer for.

  87. Brent also states "However, at the same time, everyone knows about my advocacy for the straight-forward approach. Now, don’t get all upset with me now, I didn’t say “straight”, I said the “straight-forward”."

    (Straight forward - Nah no way. And straight forward doesn't equal honest)

    "I just get so tired of people masking their intentions, lying to cover up their true reasons for their actions, stealing, and most of all: greed". Have ya looked at yourself lately Brent? or Grant for that matter?

  88. Look I don't hate Brent but I don't like people who make out like they are honest and clearly they aren't. When you Manipulate people too much they catch on and Brent has done this. Ya want to believe him but in the end he steps over that line (of what is real) and into some make believe of his own choosing.

  89. Nah, but I have been a fan for a year or so. Started out with thinking how such a guy could have such a bad experience, supporting his struggles to make a new start, giving donations and words and thoughts of encouragement. Then as things dragged on with Bryan and Cobra still supporting Brent. Then the whole Falcon not using his name thing - still supporting. Finally someone kills Bryan and I think OMG poor Brent - what must he be going though. Then as I start to think more and more about these experiences, it happens to occur to me that Brent is not blameless. Then thinking how these bad things always happen to him I start to realize that Brent can manipulate people and especially his fans. He doesn't give truthful information yet is such an out there character that contends that his is gonna fix porn and how great he is etc etc. Then when the heat is on, fans get no information or snippets of info that he never follows up with in the his next blog post. Its like he is the Pipe Piper and we (fans) are the rats. Well I decided that Brents "honesty" doesn't add up to much and therefore now I find it very difficult to believe anything he says. Is that enough for ya Elm. I doesn't hate the guy for this, just don't like him as much now.

  90. "Then when the heat is on, fans get no information or snippets of info that he never follows up with ..."

    Well, it's rather obvious why he couldn't talk openly to his fans of the murder...he openly said, flat out, he couldn't for legal reasons!

    Which is not to say it wasn't frustrating for you...hell, I think everyone was frustrated not getting to hear Brent's side of all this.

    In the void of silence, we instead had a conspiracy theory contest here in blogland. And frankly, I'm sick of death of reading (and refuting) wacked out conspiracy theories.

    Of course, now we are starting to get the REAL details..the affidavit has been VERY illuminating.

    Still though, you do have a WOULD be nice to hear the WHOLE story, from Brent's perspective. A Schwartzkophian briefing, from the one person basically in the center of it.

    I'd like to THINK this is being planned now, even as I type. Jody, you have any insight into this? A full mother-of-all-briefings from Sean, perhaps in the form of an interview or magazine article?

    And if so, WHEN do you think?

  91. yeap i agree - i also was interested in the whole brent thing - followed it for just on 18 months ...donated some aussie dollars .... felt pain for the lad .... and all through i just keep on thinking - why keep the name .... its no big deal ....
    i donno but appears to me that the shear association with that name spells trouble ...

    why the hell would he want to keep it .... and if he doesn't then the whole mess was a waste of time ... a waste of lives... no matter how screwed up they were ....looking like brent losses out either way ...

    and unlike harlow ... i'm not sorry for your hardship ...

  92. Jim

    I'm not expecting that he give info able lawsuits etc. I would be the first to say don't - you will get yourself into more trouble. But I do feel he is a manipulator and plays his fans feelings. It kind of hard to explain but when I look at the posts of fans and how they gush over him it doesn't sit well with me. You come away thinking something is off. He is obviously intelligent and can get people to follow him. Everyone is entitled to their opinions regarding Brent but they should get the full story of any events he discusses from a different source. And thinking as I do now about him, I naturally question his role in Bryans death and the whole Harlow/Joe thing - it just don't add up to me.

  93. yeah would be good jim ....
    but if it was jody doin the interview ... then its gonna be a little one eyed ...

  94. Jim said :-

    "I'm a fan of Brent because he a GREAT symbol of a porn star David actually taking on a porn studio producer Goliath."

    As I recall David killed Goliath !!

  95. Anon 8.59 said :-

    "I'm sure someone within the FBI or
    Justice Department would be very interested in hearing from you on that claim! Would you be a dear and do the right thing and report your source to the authorities so they can do there job? I encourage you to report this illegal activity at once, since you are such the upstanding crime fighting citizen you so claim to be!"

    Sorry you must have lost me somewhere. These films have been in the continuous possession of Cobra since 2004. They have been high profile since the Aug 2005 allegations.

    There are presumably many thousands of copies around the world.

    Why would I or anyone else need to contact the authorities about something Grant says he has been petitioning them about for years?

  96. Jim says, "MJ, I've said this before, you know, so, this SHOULD come as no great revelation to you: I'm a fan of Brent because he a GREAT symbol of a porn star David actually taking on a porn studio producer Goliath.

    And in the end, he won. Oh he lucked out, no doubt; he had some unexpected help from a couple of Virginia Beach loonies... but he won.

    And thats why I became a fan. Not for his porn, but for him setting the example for similar downtrodden porn actors out there.

    Would you believe I've never actually seen one of his videos? Well, it's true. It's not his porn I'm a fan of, it's his political symbolism."

    No, Jim, I did not know the above. I wouldn't have asked the question if I already knew the answer. I appreciate you replying and yes, this does give me some insight into your way of thinking about all of this.

    Well, Sean's lucky to have you, Jim. A defender to the bitter end. The problem is, you lost your ability to be objective towards this whole situation, from my point of view, long ago.

    Oh, and by the way, as to where the donation money sent to Sean went, that has NOT been cleared up. Not by a long shot. I know it seems to matter little to you, but remember Jim, you said yourself that you didn't donate to him, so why should it matter to you? It shouldn't. It should matter to those of us who did. Those of us who have asked Sean about it in E-mails and blog posts and as of this date, he's never taken a second out of his day to reply to those of us who did and those of us who asked him that one simple question: Did you keep your word as to what you spent our donation money for?

    Regardless of the answer, I've always hoped he'd be honest about that and reply one way or the other. Until he does, Jim, this issue is not closed. It's all about respect, Jim, and as the days pass and Sean refuses to be honest and address this one issue with his fans, then I, personally, have a hard time believing some of the other statements he makes on his blog. If you'd like to believe everything that Sean says to be the complete truth, that's your choice, Jim, and it's not my place to try and change your mind, same as it's not your place to try and change mine.

    Unless you'd like me to, I'm not going to repeat the timeline of donations again, as I've posted it a number of times, but even if what you say is true, Jim, about the lawyer with the heart ailment, the time frame of donations, Atty. Yates' retainer being paid and then not another dime, combined with Sean's previous statements about what he was going to use the donations for, just don't add up, as much as I wish they did.

  97. elm, no offense, but you go back and forth, always changing your mind. however, finally you are on the right track it seems.

    bb does not seem so nuts now eh :)

  98. jody, give it up, nobody believes anything from anyone close to sean.

  99. jim, how many drinks did you have yesterday? :)

  100. lets not forget to take what elms says with a grain of salt, he has not been consistent, he has been used by someone to post lies and false accusations.

    elm, you see your attacks and accusations towards me never really bothered me - other than certain resources going to waste, which turned out ok - i knew and know the truth will out in the end.

    you became such a defender of sean and his cobrakiller, you became a defender of harlow and joe too.

    the worst you did was accuse strangers of being a murderer.

    where do you stand on bb being the killer now?

    what made you change your mind about sean/cobrakiller, harlow/joe?

    these are valid questions. i'd like an answer, but do not expect one. maybe you will surprise me...

    what changed your mind?

  101. elmysterio said...

    pretty much the same thing I talked about with grant

    May 21, 2007 6:17 PM

    as i suspected, elm was another puppet.

  102. Cad said...

    "Jim, I don't understand you.

    You won the gold medal for loyalty to the Harlow is guilty story."

    do i get a gold medal too? assuming what i have always claimed is proven true :)


  103. BB said...
    lets not forget to take what elms says with a grain of salt, he has not been consistent, he has been used by someone to post lies and false accusations.

    elm, you see your attacks and accusations towards me never really bothered me - other than certain resources going to waste, which turned out ok - i knew and know the truth will out in the end.

    you became such a defender of sean and his cobrakiller, you became a defender of harlow and joe too.

    the worst you did was accuse strangers of being a murderer.

    where do you stand on bb being the killer now?

    what made you change your mind about sean/cobrakiller, harlow/joe?

    these are valid questions. i'd like an answer, but do not expect one. maybe you will surprise me...

    what changed your mind?
    May 22, 2007 4:17 AM

    BB I’m sorry that I used you as a distraction. But I had a mission to accomplish and your constant Cobra Killer rants were getting in the way. What had to be done was done and in effect you were the one who was played. Certain things had to be resolved to get to the truth. Once they were done I could go on with my original assumption of what took place. I never thought you were the killer. I had an idea who was involved but I wanted to find a connection. It appears that the police did. I still did not want to believe it but it was proven with facts. It’s just kind of hard to deal with something like that. Does this make sense to you?

  104. anon said: We all know he is.

    May 21, 2007 7:31 PM

    what? he is not me? oh my. i am feeling left out now since elm started his who is bb crap.

  105. elmysterio said...

    oh shit I guess I better watch what I post?

    May 21, 2007 7:42 PM

    why change your ways now?

  106. elm, please e-mail

  107. elm: nevermind. i wanted back up of your claims.

    odd youd ask me why when you had no problem being a used as a puppet by the cobrakiller, depain and others.

    your claims are ridiculous, who do you think you are that you thought you could do what the police already had done?

    you always claimed to know so much... now you say it was made up for whatever reasons. i always said you had no credibility.

    if you want to justify your actions of being constantly wrong in all of this by saying i was played, that is fine. the truth is clear. you flip flop on all you say, you always have, you always will.

    i actually predicted on JG that someone was going to end up dead. as that did eventually happen, i have always remained true to my thoughts and believes, unlike you.

    you will NEVER have any credibility with me, you will be called out on it when i think it needs to be called.

    your rants from a mysterious place are not so mysterious to some of us posters here. your forever talk out your ass.

  108. BB here is a post from Jason curious's news desk and here is a link to it note the date.

    now read my post from that blog and you can also check out the other post I made as well.

    elmysterio said...
    Could Bret be Harlow?

    I just read the post by Jody and found all the information quite interesting. Now this is all purely speculative. Maybe Harlow did meet Bryan in Las Vegas. It seems that Harlow was looking to purchase some other video companies. Maybe he was interested in Cobra Video, LLC. He and Bryan agree on terms and plan to meet when Bryan returns from Las Vegas. Harlow sends out this e-mail on the 16th of January about great things to come to his subscribers on his web-site. He states that he and Brent will be working together on some new and exciting projects. Bryan decides that he does not want to go through with the deal to sell Cobra. He went to see Bryan to discuss and possibly renegotiate a new purchase plan. I stated in a earlier post that he could have gone to see Bryan with his partner and tried to do a “shakedown” and things got out of hand etc… Now after looking at the picture of his Honda. The one with the white Dodge pickup in the background. That could be the vehicle that was seen leaving Bryan’s house. I also stated Earlier that it is only a six and a half-hour drive too Virginia from Pennsylvania. So Harlow could have been home by 2:30 am. Now this Mark guy and his client are his alibi for the time that Bryan was killed. Can this be proven? This would explain why Brent decided to settle with Cobra Video and Bryan. He would be working with Harlow not Bryan. I don’t know how well Cobra’s business was doing as of late. It is stated that Bryan was having problems with his distributors and if you look at the Cobra site a lot of the titles are no longer available. The fact that Brent still has not proven his age only makes matters more interesting. It also keeps some of the most lucrative Cobra merchandise of the market. Now this could have been an elaborate scheme set up over a couple of years. This would explain why Bryan was killed in such a brutal fashion. Harlow was angry that he would not sale Cobra to him. Now they had to get Bryan out of the way of their plan for “PORN DOMINATION”. It was not planned to kill Bryan it was just a random event that was very spur of the moment. Harlow walks up behind Bryan and is rubbing his shoulders and sweet-talking him and Bryan says the one thing to set him off. Then in a panic he stabs him 28 more times to make it look like a crime of passion and sets the house on fire and flees the scene. It could happen. Or it could just be some random crazy who did this. There are so many unanswered questions out there and it just gets more and more twisted as the days go by. Maybe I should be a scriptwriter because this would make a good movie.

    7:41 PM

  109. elm roflmao, where do you come up with this stuff?

    you say "The fact that Brent still has not proven his age only makes matters more interesting."

    yet according to you YOU alone resolved the age issue, it is 100% proven.

    as i said elm, you have no credibility.

    it is one thing to speculate, it is another to state it as fact. each so called fact you have presented has proven to be false IOW a lie.

  110. Hm, I miss the link to Damon Kruezers page in your new entry, elm.

  111. BB I was trying to get the age issue out of the way. Thats what I was trying to do and I did do it. That post was from early February and thats why I started my own blog because I could do the research and prove it with facts. You came over here and ranted and raved about Cobra Killer this and Cobra Killer that and you would not shut up long enough for anyone to get a word in edgewise. So I did what I had to do. I had that idea and it was shot down on jason's site. Now you see that I was very close to the truth all along and you just can't handle that. why don't you just say I'm sorry and we will leave it at that. I know you went to jason's site and checked it out so you know I'm not lying. I was trying to make a connection with all the parties. you could never come up with any proof to back up your claims so I had to distract you so I could do what I had to do. Now do you get it? so have fun down under.

  112. talking about links, elm why do you not have my blog linked?

  113. I did not know you had one until today

  114. elm, give it up... roflmfao. i am sure in your own mind what you say makes sense.

    "give it up down under"

    omg are you hinting that i am rob in oz now? lololololololol.

  115. elmysterio said...

    I did not know you had one until today

    May 22, 2007 5:35 AM

    elm, no prob, check it out. i would appreciate a link... all view should be heard and read right?

    i have comments blocked, we already have enough places for comments.

  116. any way i have actually emailed rob and I know you are not him.

  117. you tell em Elms ...
    but down under ... we no need any bb's down thisa way

    have a good night off to bed

  118. you to Rob Gday and BB I will link your blog as well I'm of to bed sees you all later.

  119. grrrrrrrrrrrr ...... can't believe ya attacking elms - this forum provides us all with access to vent our words - you too bb ... even jim ... and jody ... grant .... mark ... the whole kit'n'kabodle

  120. why the down under comment?

    my locations are well known by a select few who post here.

    if anyone wants to know my locations, all they need do is ask.

    would make a change from what some make up whatever they want and post it as fact.

  121. rob in oz said...

    you tell em Elms ...
    but down under ... we no need any bb's down thisa way

    boohoo you hurt my feelings. i will never visit aussieland again as me and my $$$ are not wanted there.


  122. only kiddin matey
    just don't like ya hangin it on me ol buddy elms
    ok cya

  123. guys, we waited several month to get some useful information. now instead of discussing the facts in the criminal complaint the who is who and who said what dominates the blog.

    i would really appreciate when we try to figure out what was really going on.

    bb i also have some issues with elm, because of some personal attacks. but to discuss that here will lead to nothing.

  124. ab, you may be right. i was pointing out the obvious - the obvious on here goes over too many peoples heads :)

  125. This blog post made for some absolutely hysterical reading!! There are really only like 15 people posting here, and the same 10 i think mostly, bitching and screaming and pointing at each other and calling people names. it's the funniest camp bitch fest i've heard in ages. i think people are just all jacked up from this news and there wont be many new revelations for a bit (til the june court date i think).

    and elm! i havent seen you get this excitable in a long time! lol. thanks for the humor everyone.

    as to the case. i am waiting to open a nice bottle of cabernet shiraz and get a new pack of camel extra lights and then im gonna open that affidavit pdf and have a good ole read! looking forward to it.

    and of course, i have to put my no evidencing having brain to work and post my own theory. i think since the murder happened so soon after the las vegas meeting that brent and grant had a slight part to play in the matter. HOWEVER, i think it was only conversational and no money or anything concrete changed hands, therefore i believe the police said to them 'we will indict you for conspiracy to commit murder or incitement to' if you dont let us bug you to catch harlow and joe and that's how the beach thing came about. i believe they will probably be given no sentence or conviction but it will be known in court that they were involved and they will likely have to testify to their involvement, which i think the police will feel will be punishment as it will be pretty damn hard for them to get work and actors (possibly, but who knows with the brent factor playing out) once its common knowledge they played a part in someone in their industry being murdered to help them.

    thats my two cents. now please continue the bitch fest. hehe

    - Martin

  126. BB = BioBoy a tag Aaron Phelps aka (Robert Wagner, via the affidavit) uses in various profile sites.

    He's not a medical student as reported, he dropped out! When he's not running Cobra, he is a legal assistant for a law firm that sues doctors, medical agencies, clinics, nurses, etc; hence why he thinks he such the legal authority on everything! Basically he goes after people who are trying to make us healthy when we are sick!

    Sue, lie and manipulate the facts until one gets the desired result! Just like his benefactor, Bryan's mini-me!

    BB = BioBoy or the true TOXIC TWINK!

  127. So is that the same Aaron Phelps that we were assured committed this murder because he was so jealous of Sean?

    Just so we know your credibility.

  128. Well, that basically was Elm's theory.

    Which I guess Elm will now claim was some great ruse. Like the accusation against bb. A couple "prevarications" if you will.

  129. Jim, tut tut.

    You promised a single countdown post per day.

    I think you may have a problem and may need to attend Bloggers Anonymous for their 12 post programme.

  130. what? wait! where's jim going? :( i stopped paying attention cuz you guys are are all arguing like little boys. wish i'd paid attention now *le sigh*

  131. "Well, Sean's lucky to have you, Jim. A defender to the bitter end. The problem is, you lost your ability to be objective towards this whole situation, from my point of view, long ago."

    Yet, miraculously, as the facts have come out...I've been prooven right every time!

    LOL! Boy if I had a nickle every time; in the past four months someone said:

    "jim you are obviously a rapid Harlow hater, and nothing you say can be taken seriously."

    ...lemme tell ya, I would have enough nickles to buy every item at Harlow's Yard Sale!


    I'd rather be right every time, than thought of as unbiased by consistent Brent bashers like you, mj.

  132. Oh by the way,

    Gee, it's now day 3 (of 29), and there is no news of Brent and Grant being charged or arrested with anything connected to the murder!

  133. "Cad said...
    Jim, tut tut.

    You promised a single countdown post per day."

    Unfortunately (for ALL of us) I didn't say my countdown post would be my only post per day.

    Just that it would be there, for certain.

    Hope that clarifies things! : )

    Maybe though, thats what I should do...I'd get more productive work done around here if I did...

  134. "BB = BioBoy or the true TOXIC TWINK!

    May 22, 2007 8:06 AM"

    uhuh, if you say so :)

  135. jim said...

    Well, that basically was Elm's theory.

    it was one of many :)

  136. A Schwartzkophian briefing, from the one person basically in the center of it. I'd like to THINK this is being planned now, even as I type. Jody, you have any insight into this?

    I know that as soon as they are able, and I'd assume this has something to do with when their attorneys tell them it's okay -- they're going to answer as many questions as they can. I don't know if that's going to be a post on the website, a podcast, an article or what not. It'll probably be some combination.

  137. "BB said...
    jim said...

    Well, that basically was Elm's theory.

    it was one of many :) "

    Yes, and of course, the great thing about having so many theories is, you can never be accused of being biased. : )

  138. Cad,

    Have you contacted the authorities yet to report your claimed verification that the owners and/or those who are in control of the company retain in their possession "Child Pornography"?

    If you are truly on the side of the law as you claim, then I'm sure you have already done so?

  139. Anon 11.09 I think I have already addressed your ignorance of the past 2 years.

    Time to change the record.

  140. Jody I really appreciate your condescending personality. It really shows your insecurities. Maybe that explains your inability to see past you own misconceptions. You do so enjoy the ignorance of your belief that Sean and Grant are not complicit in this murder. Far be it for me to burst your little of truth I will leave you believe what you want and I will believe what I want believe and we shall leave at that.

    I'm not being condescending toward you. I'm sympathetic to what happened. Harlow and Joe used you to get their message out. They lied to you. Constantly.

    As Julien disclosed this morning, while Joe was popping up here, there and everywhere else as "Mark" discussing how everything had returned to normal at the House of Harlow, we've since learned that they were really on the run. Their attorney and Joe's Mom were making preparations to sell both the home and everything in it. They were looking to get cash, and get it fast, seemingly returning to Virginia Beach once they thought the heat was off and to use their growing infamy to raise still more cash.

    Neither Sean nor Grant have prevaricated in this matter. There's simply no evidence, anywhere, of their having any involvement in a far wider and overarching conspiracy. While the absence of evidence isn't the same thing as none existing, it does mean that, as of today, there is no evidentiary support for an argument that Sean or Grant was complicit in Bryan's murder. Gut feelings aren't admissible in criminal court.

    You are of course entitled to believe what you want. Consider for a moment though that's exactly the kind of thinking Harlow and Joe would have used to justify murder, and to then lie about it to anyone who'd listen.

    You, Elm, are better than that.

  141. Cad said...
    Anon 11.09 I think I have already addressed your ignorance of the past 2 years.

    Time to change the record.

    Whether the Cobra masters exist or not, outside of parts of Europe where the age of consent is lower, new issues of those scenes Sean shot when he was 17 just won't occur here in the USA.

  142. CAD please check you JG email.


    need a break? check out the above story :)

  144. BB said...

    "i have comments blocked, we already have enough places for comments."


  145. "Alongside their heterosexual neighbours, Carlos and Fernando perform an elaborate courtship dance twice a year before settling down to build nests.

    The mating ritual involves elaborate preening and strutting. The males are the most energetic, waving their heads vigorously from side to side with their necks at full stretch. "

    Yep, they're gay. : )

  146. Brent will never leave porn willingly. He loves fucking for money way to much. He keeps hooking up with these older sugar daddy types for a reason.

    It's up to people of good consience to force him out of the business with shame. Shame for all of the destruction he's caused in the adult business. Everywhere he goes lives and reputations are destroyed. All he does is lie and cheat and steal. Now Bryan is dead and he's envolved. What more proof do you people need? If he had any human decency he would just go away quitely but that won't happen.

  147. bb,
    "These pictures with this blog entry are of me and Jeremy Carrson..."

    " No matches were found for JEREMY CARSSON in TX or CA of any age."

    of course not ;-)

  148. ab, i just opened up comments, not cool to bring my blog stuff over here. enough stuff going here :)

  149. try Jonathan Mott

  150. Jonathan G. Mott of Rowlett, Texas! Appears to be 20 years old, 21 next month! :);;G;;MOTT;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;990446602;;&2=name&3=people&4=7&5=jonathan;;;;mott;;;;TX;;;;;;;;&rc=10

  151. Well, scrap that lie BB!

  152. sed said,,,,"It's up to people of good consience to force him out of the business with shame. Shame for all of the destruction he's caused in the adult business"

    Well sed why don't you suggest what you really mean,,,Brent should just get a gun and stick it in his mouth. Really that’s the only thing that will make you vindictive little bitchs happy.

    Then all will be right in Gay porn, the fucking whores will KNOW their place getting fucked & BRED for chump change while fat cat Porno Producers buy Maseratis and have a new whoreboy whenever they snap their fat finger.

    That’s all we have on this channel Saint Bryan and his Demon Boy Brent. SO sed when are you going to ask the pope to canonize Bryan, that fine upstanding gay citizen.

    Sed you mentioned “people of good conscience” who were you referring too? Not the pervs who jacked off to Cobra videos, not the pervs who miss their “Hero” Bryan, who blame Brent for the end of Cobra. Don’t make me laugh I haven’t met a Gay man yet with a “conscience” ,don't expect too either you Queens should all be happy with yourselves , you make all guys my age so Proud to be a Fag,,,,NOT!

  153. To Martin (Anon May 22 2007 6:41a)

    I agree with for the most part. I have one difference, which I've expressed in a comment on ElM's "Velvet Mafia" entry.

    The authorities do not have credible evidence that Grant (and possibly Sean) plotted with Harlow and Joe to have Bryan Kocis murdered and so had no way of coercing Grant and Sean into cooperating with the investigation.

    The reason: the only individuals who new whether there was such a plot were those who attended the dinner at La Cirque at which it was supposedly arrived at. They were Harlow, Joe, Grant and Sean.

    Harlow and Joe have certainly not told the authorities about such a plot since, at the moment, they are pleading innocence.

    It would be against the interests of Grant and Sean to acknowledge that there was such a plot since this would certainly subject them to criminal action.

    And so I conclude thqt the cooperation of Grant and Sean with the investigation was voluntary, not cooerced (although undoubtedly influenced by advice from attorneys that it would be best to be completely open now.)

    As I said in my comment on the other thread, the only risk to Grant and Sean is that Harlow and Joe did in fact tape the conversation at La Cirque, that the tape can now be produced, and that it will demonstrate "beyond a reasonable doubt" that the account of the conversation given to the authorities is false.

  154. so we learned something new. i actually was just referring to carrson and carsson but assumed it was a stage name anyway.

  155. This comment has been removed by the author.

  156. is it national elms bashing day or something ... geeez fellas if it wern't for elms ... we wouldn't have such and active place to put forward ideas and theoiries ... and yes naturally those not directly involved in the events can not be expected to know what happened ... many people are still in shock ... many posters have just gone quiet ... or have started posting under anonymous tags...

    and after the last year of posts by grant ... and even sean ...via the blog at Bco... one has to really question why they would all of a sudden want to change the subject away from bryan at the dinner ....

    we are free to post our thoughts here and our observations ... and if one skerick of a post makes someone question the events then thats a good thing....

    because there are so many ellements of this case that are yet to be reveled...

    and no one is going to come out smelling like a rose ...

  157. Anonymous said...

    "Jonathan G. Mott of Rowlett, Texas! Appears to be 20 years old, 21 next month! :)"

    wish him happy birthday from me :)

    whats he got to do with jeremy carsson? oh wait... your not suggesting...

    so many lies, you cant believe anything from the sean camp, unless it is court approved. that day will come.

    oh well.

  158. Jody.

    2.1 billion people believe Christ has risen from the cross. Another 1.3 billion believe that Mohamed went to the mountain. Heck 500,000 people believe L. Ron Hubbard.

    It does not challenge my faith that you chose to believe what you do.

    And we all know that evidence denies us faith.

  159. Anon @3:22pm

    You might want to dial it down a bit. You’re obviously closely connected with this case. And your anger is apparent it looks like the police have the people who killed Bryan so he can’t hurt you anymore. Don’t let him ruin your life in death. Words are very powerful and the can cause allot of hurt and pain so be careful what you say because someone may believe it and act upon it.

  160. Hey Jody

    The affidavit link no longer works:( and hadn't had a chance tow download it :(

    Do you have another link for the affidavit? That would be super:)

  161. Am I the only person to smell a rat?

    I have not read every post but from my brief reviews it seems that people are becoming increasingly extreme in their views.

    There is also an increase in "anon" posts.

    Myself, I have received a curious number of emails and contacts from persons I have never dealt with before.

    I have no idea why this is happening but it seems to be coming from both "sides". I can only assume something is being hidden or is about to be happen.

  162. new conspiracy theory ;-)

    why the affidavit shows the towers (mobile phone cells) the prepaid phone was logged in but does not mention the same for the sprint mobile cards?

  163. BB, Jeremy Carrson is not his real name. Get real this is porn for God sakes and he does not want you to know all his personal business. He is 20 and he was not underage when he worked for LSG Media and that’s all I’m going to say about that. Take your arguments to your own blog and stop posting your ignorant shit over here we are tired of you and all of your delusional accusations. Go play with Damon Louzer he needs a playmate.

  164. well I too can attest to that I have had several people contact me so I changed the e-mail address on my blog. just getting a little worrisome if you ask me.

  165. how do people know your email addresses? ok, i know one way to communicate with cad.

    anon 4.17, i brought that topic here, so you have to blame me not bb.

  166. i did email two people - not elm - to discuss thoughts and theories without the flaming that goes on here.

    i do not know other peoples motives.

    i think these mails are as simple as wanting to get across their point of view and are seeking yours. but i could be wrong.

    interest in this saga is at an all time high. it does not appear to be slowing down anytime soon.

  167. *if* joe gets bail, i wonder how sean and the cobrakiller will react.

  168. ya bb ... as long as it gets somewhere ... as long as people will be satisfied with the final outcomes ... looking like that aint gonna happen

  169. elm sweetie: re read the thread. you will clearly see i asked for no comments on my blog posts here. the first 1 i am sure was in error.

  170. rob, anyone who does not like the final outcome will just have to get over it.

    the truth will come out... if it goes against what i believe, so be it.

    we are almost 4 months from the murder, so far i have seen nothing that indicates the innocence of sean and his cobrakiller in this. the timing, the meetings, the emails are too damning for them.

  171. yeah bb i agree ... but ... thinking that ol grant is a tad cleverer than a few of the others in the case ... including his little buddie

  172. Jim said, "Yet, miraculously, as the facts have come out...I've been prooven right every time!

    LOL! Boy if I had a nickle every time; in the past four months someone said:

    "jim you are obviously a rapid Harlow hater, and nothing you say can be taken seriously."

    ...lemme tell ya, I would have enough nickles to buy every item at Harlow's Yard Sale!


    I'd rather be right every time, than thought of as unbiased by consistent Brent bashers like you, mj."

    Jim, you said from day 1 that Harlow and Joe were guilty of this crime and I admit, I doubted that to be true at the time. I was wrong, Jim.

    Aside from that, I'm not sure what else you have been "right" about. I can't recall anything.

    Sure, you can say that you are "right" about something till the cows come home, Jim, but saying it and it actually being true are two different things.

    As is often the case when you reply to someone, you completely disregard and almost never address anything they are saying. I feel I raised good points above and yet you decide to not address them or back up your claims and instead pull out the "Brent basher" card.

    I am not a "Brent basher", Jim, and I do not appreciate you referring to me as one. Where have I bashed Sean? I have not. I have asked open questions and made known discrepancies in some of his statements. I have said I am disappointed in his actions when he never wrote back or offered to clear up the obvious confusion about the donations that we here on this blog were having. I have found some of his statements questionable and in poor taste and said so on this blog, but does that mean I'm a "Brent basher?" I am a fan of Sean's and a longtime supporter of his site and blog. I have donated to his donation requests, I have purchased a membership to his members site and I have posted words of encouragement and support since his blog went live. Calling me a "brent basher" as you do so today, just goes to show that you don't do any research or even read the posts made here before jumping to conclusions about people.

    Tell me, in your dictionary, what exactly is the definition of a "Brent basher?"

    Oh, and I'm not sure if anyone has ever told you this before, Jim, but no one is right all the time. No one. One would have to be nothing short of superhuman to be right in all instances and unless I miss my guess, you are not superhuman.

  173. Dear BB... You said "we are almost 4 months from the murder, so far i have seen nothing that indicates the innocence of sean and his cobrakiller in this. the timing, the meetings, the emails are too damning for them." How about this: Joe and Harlow in Jail; Grant and Sean not in jail.

  174. wait, doesn't the affidavit claim that they taped the convo at le cirque? if so...

  175. hey kc ... show some sunhine matey ...

    i mean who in their right mind would ever believe that grant wouldn't want to talk about bryan... whether thats gonna make jail ... i'd say not .... but yeah us long time readers sure will always ask that question ... tapes .. i don't think we'll ever see em ... but man i hope we do ..

  176. Grant's most recent post, from JUB:

    Brent was never Bryan's boyfriend! He was however forced into a sexual relationship with Bryan, which was an unwritten condition of the contract that was not finished and the subsequent contracts!

    His hatred for Bryan comes through loud and clear. I do wonder what contracts Grant is referring to, though.

    You know what I found the funniest part of his pathetic post? That Sean was forced into a sexual relationship with Bryan. I don't know about you but Sean Lockhart doesn't come across as the type of person "forced" into anything, that includes underage prostitution and gay bareback porn.

  177. For those who mention they can't believe Grant wouldn't relish the chance to badmouth Bryan during his dinner at Le Cirque, I have to agree with you.

    Forget for a moment these two psychopaths brought up murder. They brought up Sean NOT working with Bryan - with Grant's very strong feelings toward Bryan and the settlement, I would be shocked if he didn't start attacking Bryan, telling Harlow and Joe of all the horrible and mean things the big bad porn producer did to him and his "boy". He'd relish the chance to slam Bryan in front of two people who obviously wanted to be not only friends but business partners with the toxic twink and dumb ox.

    Saying that Grant kept his mouth shut is fucking hilarious - as hilarious as his helping the police out of the goodness of his very cold and very dark heart.

  178. Have you ever said one good thing about Brent, mj, on this blog or on Jason's?

    "I am not a "Brent basher", Jim, and I do not appreciate you referring to me as one."

    If the shoe fits...

  179. "You know what I found the funniest part of his pathetic post? That Sean was forced into a sexual relationship with Bryan."

    Why is this "fuuny?" Harlow was ordered to bring an overnight bag with him on his "interview."

    This does seem to have been Byran's modus operendi.

  180. Jim, if you think anyone in the porn business is "forced" to do anything, then you are very mistaken. Is Bryan the only gay porn producer to have sex with his models? Even George Duroy has sex with his Bel Ami boys. It's part of the industry. You and I may not understand that or even agree with it, but it's the reality of this very sordid business.

    BTW Jim, thank you for continuously monitoring this and other blogs, making sure to post your comments whenever anyone as anything even remotely negative to say about Grant and Sean.

    I'll sure begin to miss you in 27 days. Okay, scratch that - no I won't.

  181. I have to agree with anon 5:39. I know that if someone brings up a subject (or person) with which I have very strong feelings, I'm the first to start venting. It's gotten me into trouble in the past (the person I am venting to runs and tells the person I am venting about), but if I'm given the opportunity, I'll take it.

    If Grant didn't take the opportunity to rail against Bryan, he has more self-control than I would ever have thought.

  182. You Girls really need to grow up now.

    This whole Bryan Kocis affair was never a who done it. It was always a who should we prosecute.

    The only thing unique about the Bryan Kocis affair is that a whole lot of people knew a whole lot about the relationships of all of the parties involved BEFORE the crime and AFTER the crime.

    There is no real need for Corrigan to be sued criminally because it would further complicate matters and SOMEONE has to be a witness for the State. However, there is no way in hell that Bryan Kocis' family and whoever buys Cobra Video are going to let Sean Lockhart just walk away from all of this.

    Harlow & Joe will be allowed to plead guilty to something or other and the Kocis Family and Whoever buys Cobra Video will put Brent Corrigan is essentially the same situation OJ Simpson is in, i.e., every penny Corrigan makes for the rest of his life will be owed to the Kocis estate or to Cobra Video.

    OJ is actually in a better position because he has assets (a pension) that are judgement proof.

    Brent Corrigan should take all the money he has now and buy a house in Florida. In Florida, your primary residence is judgment proof.

  183. Does anyone know where I can wager $10,000 that either Grant of Sean will face criminal charges?

    I don't want dirty underwear but I'm filthy rich, enjoy the odd flutter and your dollar is so cheap.

  184. Cad said...
    Does anyone know where I can wager $10,000 that either Grant of Sean will face criminal charges?

    Cad, if you did wager that, I hope you'd make a bundle!!

  185. since Corrigan and his partner DID have a lawyer,

    you would thing that they first obtained either a guarantee that they would NOT be prosecuted or

    that they agreed to plead guilty to some lesser charge that involved little or no jail time.

  186. cad 4:14 p.m. said:

    »There is also an increase in "anon" posts.«

    As far as I'm concerned, "cad" is equivalent to "anonymous."

    The only person posting here under a real name (although admittedly it is probably an alias) is Kevin Clarke.

  187. I'm sorry, Jim, I didn't see you respond to the majority of my post, yet again. And you didn't answer a one of my questions. What, nothing to say on the matter?

    Instead, I assume you have no basis for your argument, since you try and change the subject with your follow-up comment. No big surprise there.

    Unlike you, Jim, I will actually answer your question.

    Yes, I have said positive things about Sean on this and Jason's blog. Over the past four months, between Jason, Elm's and Julien's blog, I have said that I felt that Sean used to be a kind person to his fans when I would read his blog posts and follow-up comments to his readers when his site first went live. I stated that at the time I felt Sean was someone who cared about all of his fans. I have said that I thought he had the best interests of the industry at heart when he would post his ambitions for his company and I've said that he often had very good ideas that he'd come up with for plans for his future, both in porn and outside of it. I commented on Jason's blog that I admired the fact that he did champion important causes especially a post not too long before Bryan's murder where he asked for us to support a family in need around the holidays who had been through so much. And those are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head. But I don't expect you to recall a single one of those statements that I made because you only see what you want to see, Jim, and even then, things often end up being rather blurry when you take what you read and attempt to re-present in other comments that you make.

    I will not continue to defend the fact that I am a fan of Sean's to you, Jim. Not a chance. I hate to break it to you, Jim, but you were wrong. I am not a "Brent basher." Far from it.

    As I've said, Jim. You have the right to your opinion, the same as I have the right to mine. We don't have to agree, as is evident that we don't. But if you present a statement as fact and it is a "fact" that I have never seen supported in any other source, I will ask you for clarification or support of the statement that you make, the same as I would ask anyone else. The same as I expect you would ask me, if you wanted clarification/support of a fact that I presented. However, if it's only your opinion that you are stating, wouldn't it make sense to actually say that, as opposed to trying to get everyone to believe that your opinion is "right?"

  188. Does anyone know where I can wager $10,000 that either Grant of Sean will face criminal charges?

    I don't want dirty underwear but I'm filthy rich, enjoy the odd flutter and your dollar is so cheap.

    Cad, if the dollar is cheap then so too would be the winnings in a US$ bet.

    Besides, a more interesting bet would be for conviction, not merely indictment. If the police and DA believe they were complicit but can present only a weak case, they might well go ahead with an indictment anyway - but not until they are certain they can't build a better one. And they might not know that before the Harlow/Joe case.

    It's quite early yet, really, in the whole saga.

  189. bb said:

    »so far i have seen nothing that indicates the innocence of sean and his cobrakiller in this.«

    Have you ever heard of the concept of "innocent until proven (beyond a reasonable doubt) guilty"? Your statement implies that Sean and Grant need to prove their innocence, whereas the precise opposite is the case.

  190. j-bee says, "It's quite early yet, really, in the whole saga."

    I agree completely. I believe that this sage will, unfortunately, continue on for a long time to come. In the end though, I hope the truth will prevail and justice will be served to those who participated in Bryan's murder.

    If they are indeed guilty, I just hope the culprits currently in jail won't find any legal loopholes to slip through.

  191. this whole affair should be over before November because the current DA of Luzerne County is running for Judge in November.

    The current Assistant DA of Luzerne County is running for DA in November.

    As I said, Harlow & Joe will be allowed to plead guilty to something and Corrigan and his partner will be thrown to the Kocis family for a civil suit.

  192. anon 5:59 said "Jim, if you think anyone in the porn business is "forced" to do anything, then you are very mistaken. Is Bryan the only gay porn producer to have sex with his models? Even George Duroy has sex with his Bel Ami boys. It's part of the industry. You and I may not understand that or even agree with it, but it's the reality of this very sordid business."

    They might not be forced but if we raise the age of consent to 21 (for porn not sex) we go along way to solving the problem of barely legal and naive boys working in porn,

    Frankly any one who gets off to “boys” and not “men” should be locked up. It explains the vicious types here who think Bryan was great they all shared his taste for boys. How about it cad why do you continue to defend your friend the pervert did he keep you supplied with Cobra boys?

    I think this whole sorry saga is good argument to SHUT DOWN “Twink” porn for good, you want to talk shame? Condemn any retailer or website that stocks twinks. Helix and Boy Crush for starters.

  193. " opposed to trying to get everyone to believe that your opinion is "right?" "


    Who here, among us, is POSSIBLY going to change their minds!

    OMG what a LOL!

    This is not a forum for persuation! And I am not so stupid to think that it is!

    No, this is basically a forum for loony conspiracy theorists to vent, anon posters to character assassinate Brent, and amateur pundits (such as myself) to make predictions.

    And as you know I've been batting 1.000 in the prediction department. Not only Harlow...I said Brent was 20, and low and bhold...unquestionable proof emerged that he is! I called the donation scandal phony, and sure enough, it turns out the non-payment to Yates did not make the airtight case you claimed it did. Forgot about the triple bypass guy, LOL!

    My predictions have been pretty rough on the Brent haters...I got you guys to eat crow, every time! Ha ha!

    Did I PERSUADE any of you as a result? LOL! As if!

    It's not about persuation, it's about me rubbing it in yor face, mj!

    And this final prediction, Grant and Brent getting off SCOT FREE...this is my farewell PIECE DE RESISTANCE!!!!

  194. Anonymous said...
    They might not be forced but if we raise the age of consent to 21 (for porn not sex) we go along way to solving the problem of barely legal and naive boys working in porn

    And prevent Sean Lockhart from making a living doing what he loves most??? Surely you jest!
