While searching the Internet for some stuff of interest I ran across this image and I must say it inspired me. Yes it is a fine specimen of man ass and it made me think. Hmmm there must be other fine examples of the male ass on the Internet and more stunning pictures too.
The ass above belongs too Robert Sepulveda jr. all I can say is damn baby.
You know I chat on a regular basis with some hot men on twitter who have remarkable gluts. There is Jeff from Str8cam 
Just looking at the round ass you can understand why his picture is here. And becuase I love me some str8cam he gets another picture posted here. I am quite sure I will get no complaints about this either. All hot round and inviting.

And Canada's very own @jeremeyfeist who is just smart sexy funny and sensitive and a world class zombie hunter with a fine young round ass. And further more he likes to share pictures of that fine ass too which we can appreciate.

Here is another fine example of the hot sexy ass of Jeremy Feist. He likes to post pictures of it and we all enjoy the pictures too.

There is Derek Diamond who has a ass that is so hot that they have named a day after it. national Derek Diamond ass appreciation day.

There is Jesse Santana who has a ass that almost defies description in its round splendor that it can be covered and it is still hot.

Oh and the ever so sexy Wolf Hudson who has tapped that hot ass of Jesse Santana and also returned the favor in a uber sexy Cockyboys video.Yes Wolf has a kinky streak and a hot ass to go with it. He makes us all think nasty thoughts.

Then we have Joe at Sean Cody who proves that a hot man is ageless with his hot 30 something year-old ass that can only inspire hope to all of those who have not reached that threshold. His ass is way hot

And just to let you all know that a hot butt is ageless here is one that is in its fourties. Yes bitches it is my old but still hot ass at 48 years of age. And at 51 it still can drive men crazy Don't be jealous.

There is @BrentCorrigan and I like this picture because it shows what hard work and good genes can do for a already famous ass. yes children there is hope for us all when you can grow a pair like Brent did, I mean butt cheeks bitches

Brent Everett who has hot round butt too. This is classic star bootie at is finest. firm tight round and oh so sexy. don't hate appreciate.

When it comes to hot ass there are several shapes and sizes that comprise star bootie. There is the ever classic bubble, the jet bootie, cause it just looks like the boy is fast. The heart shaped bootie that is attached to a tiny waist and some big legs, yummy. The shelf bootie that makes you wonder what is holding all that up.

and then there is
Rafeal Alencar who has a ass that defies description it just makes you look at it and go Damn. He has the classic junky trunk ass. In the world of porn a hot ass is just as important as a big cock. In my opinion a man should look just as good walking to a bed as he does walking away from it.
Kurt wild certainly does accomplish that with his pretty face and his hot little muscle bootie.
Oh and I can not forget to post a hot picture of my future ex-husband the sexy
Austin Wilde. No bootie pictorial would be complete with out that hot ass of the year.

So this little blog post is going to be very interactive you tell me about hot asses and I will post them here so we can all have a fun place to check them out and make comments. And hopefully we can even get some of the owners of these hot booties to tell us how they keep those fine asses in the shape there in. Sounds fun to me so lets get this butt party started.
This is Elmysterio and I'm out but you can comment and tell me who to look for and who has your favorite ass and I will post them here. Just send me a link to the picture or email
elmysti@gmail.com and It will be posted. Just make sure that there is nothing penetrating it. This is infact a family blog ;-)
And the hot butt pic's are rolling in here we have
Skekoa from twitter and a fine ass it is. it gets a Damn damn damn on the bootie hotness scale

Here is another lovely ass to look at it belongs to the super cute
Aiden Ash and I might add that it is just a perfect example of what a hot butt should look like. Can you say round? I sure will. you can read about
Aiden on his blog too
Jayden Grey is putting some tension on those undies and it looks rather hot.

He also has a very respectable ass too although he does not think so. Do I hear any complaints? Yeah I did not think so. So he gets to be one of the hottest asses on the internet too.

Jayden that he has a hot ass on twitter.
Here is a picture of
Angel Benton and his hot ass. He is now a member of the hot ass club. Check out his beltless jeans that reveal his round globes. Who knew that he was hiding that ass all this time.

I wonder if his ass is covered with Pixie dust. Does anybody know the answer to that?

Brandon Wilde see's the beach for the first time in Florida for Christmas 2009 and he is sporting some hello kittie undies how cute is that?

He is the newest model from DV8casting . He is a cutie as far as I am concerned and it looks like he will be making a big splash in the gay porn industry. You can follow this sexy boy on twitter too.
Now this bubble butt belongs to Michael Brandon and he is known by all as monster because of his other attirbutes but he is also packing some serious junk in his trunk too and this picture proves just that check out his globes. I bet you wanna circumnavigate that ass now don't you.

Damn baby where you been hiding that? Oh and if you wnat more of this check out is website
This is Elmysterio and I'm out