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Black helicopters
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Monday, October 1, 2007

Update Chris Crocker star of the You Tube Galaxy

There is a new tribute video to Britney Spears click the title to see it.


  1. First time that I saw those videos - they are hysterical and he is very talented.

  2. I would watch him before I would watch Britney. Did you click on there pictures?

  3. yes, I clicked on them and that is the first time I saw this kid - he is so funny. BTW - it was a breath of fresh air to talk about something happy.

  4. He posted last nightt on his MySpace blog that the nude pics appearing on jasoncurious are ones he posted (presumably at livejournal SuicideBoys) when he was 17. He now disavows them. Sound familiar?

  5. Well it looks like another age scandal is at hand. These silly boys just don't get it do they? Keep your panties on until you are at least 18 years old.

  6. LOL, it looks like Jason Curious finally got home, checked his email...oooops!

    Now his site is updated...and his KIDDIE PORN post has completely vanished! No mea culpa, no explanation...just romoved the whole Chris Crocker post, as if it never existed!

    Except for screen caps on DeW's site hee hee hee hee heeeee! :-D

  7. I need to start copywriting my posts. Sigh.

    (c) 2007
